Podcast for IWD: disabled women talk about discrimination in social care

Many thanks to podcast host Don O’Neal and NaCSILS (Campaign for a National Care, Support and Independent Living Service) for inviting us to tell some moving personal stories.  Click here to listen to the podcast. Text version coming soon, linked on here. For International Women’s Day, Claire, Ebere, Fereshteh, Kate and Tracey, talk about: · … Read more

Benefit assessments: our group statement to MPs

Here is our group statement to the MPs who scrutinise the DWP, for their inquiry into the assessment of disability benefits. The last time they did this was in 2017-2018. We want to share it now as we have been supporting bereaved relatives interviewed in last night’s Channel 4 Dispatches: Truth about disability benefits. The … Read more

Disabled woman left in limbo wins £4,000 UC disability payments

Under COVID, sick and disabled claimants are losing vital benefits due to delays with assessments and decisions.  But with WinVisible’s support, Ms S finally won over £4,000 disability payments in May 2021 plus ongoing payments, after being left in limbo for 16 months stuck on Universal Credit (UC) basic rate.  Ms S has a severe … Read more

Ebere’s story – surviving violence back home and in the UK

Ebere is a disabled woman from Nigeria, who came to the UK to seek asylum and safety from horrendous disability persecution, including rape and other violence. WinVisible supported Ebere when she was fighting her asylum case.  She was referred to us by Women Against Rape, who are refugee and UK-born women, colleagues at the Crossroads Women’s … Read more

Disabled woman wins year-long battle with DWP after PIP cancer ordeal

Many thanks to Disability News Service for your coverage of Rita’s benefit win with WinVisible’s help — shared below.  A great response on Twitter. By John Pring on 6th August 2020 A disabled woman of colour had her disability benefits removed for failing to attend a face-to-face assessment, even though she had repeatedly explained that she was not … Read more

Coronavirus: MPs hear of disabled people’s struggle to survive pandemic

Here is the Disability News Service report on evidence from disability organisations to the House of Commons Women and Equalities Committee inquiry on the impact of COVID-19 measures.  There are a lot of shared concerns. Coronavirus: MPs hear of disabled people’s struggle to survive pandemic By John Pring on 7th May 2020 Disabled people have described how they … Read more

I won 10 years’ PIP with M.E.

Pamela* in Yorkshire writes: I’d really like my PIP story to be included on your website. Things are just so dire with benefits and I want to share my experience to try and help others as much as possible and publicize the ME Association meeting with the government minister.  I read the PIP stories on your website … Read more

Councillors labelled ‘murderers’ as Greenwich votes to increase adult social care charges

On 29 January, Greenwich Council cabinet decided to charge people £1.6 million more for social care, and make £8m cuts to the free rehabilitation which people coming out of hospital are entitled to get, and other support. Here is the South London Press report by James Twomey.  Plus below, our Kate Brown‘s speech to the Scrutiny Committee … Read more

Winning “thanks to WinVisible lifeline”

For two years, WinVisible has peer-supported disabled single mum Maria (not her real name) in South London, and provided her with information to secure benefits which the family needs: • She used our blog about the Personal Independence Payments (PIP) legal challenge on mobility needs and mental distress, to brief Merton Centre for Independent Living … Read more