“You are owed some money” – winning back after PIP cut

WV logo -- a woman of colour's fist holds pound notes, inside a shape combining the women's symbol and Egyptian Eye of Horus, symbol of healing. In this case, the pound notes say PIP.

Ms X, a disabled single mum and survivor of domestic violence, tells how she secured over £5,000 backdated PIP which the DWP owed for her social support needs “mixing with people” – taking action from info about a legal case she read about online.  She could pay off energy bills and other debts hanging over … Read more

DWP backlog — failure to communicate PIP extensions causes so much stress

WinVisible member Elizabeth J has written to her MP: “Dear Tulip Siddiq MP and team, Please can something be done about the DWP failing to send out letters informing claimants that our PIP has been extended by 12 months due to their backlog. I got a letter informing me about a similar extension during the … Read more

Disabled women win Taxicard change for users hit by DWP delays on PIP

Info: contact WinVisible   win@winvisible.org  @WinVisibleWomen A disabled mum won back her Taxicard — unfairly cancelled by London Councils due to DWP delays with her PIP benefit reassessment — with support from WinVisible and her MP.  London Councils who oversee Taxicard, said they were willing to make “an exception” in Ms A’s case, given her hardship … Read more

London Councils: Don’t penalise Taxicard users for DWP delay

A disabled mum won back her Taxicard — which was unfairly cancelled by London Councils due to DWP delays with her PIP reassessment — with support from us and her MP. Together, we have now written to London Councils asking them not to treat it as a one-off, but to change their policy for everyone … Read more

Benefit assessments: our group statement to MPs

Here is our group statement to the MPs who scrutinise the DWP, for their inquiry into the assessment of disability benefits. The last time they did this was in 2017-2018. We want to share it now as we have been supporting bereaved relatives interviewed in last night’s Channel 4 Dispatches: Truth about disability benefits. The … Read more

Disability benefits: STOP the reviews

Arianna from Edinburgh Coalition Against Poverty is speaking at our Zoom workshop on Wednesday 17 March 1.30pm-3pm, about this campaign. Register on Eventbrite here. Shared from ECAP: Disability Benefits Must be Extended Indefinitely – STOP the Reviews! Several claimants being supported by ECAP recently received letters informing them that either their Personal Independence Payment or … Read more

Welcome to WinVisible’s workshops on Zoom

Welcome to WinVisible’s workshops on Zoom — three dates and topics coming up: Starting on Wednesday 17 March 1.30pm-3pm Women fighting for disability benefit rights under COVID How we win exemption from the hated interviews – Andie Left in limbo on basic Universal Credit: fighting Maximus and DWP “inconclusive” work capability telephone interview – S … Read more

Mum Philippa Day killed by benefits brutality

The inquest in Nottingham into the death of Philippa Day has concluded. Her sister, Imogen Day says: “Support from her community psychiatric nurse and from her family kept her going. But the constant cold and unsympathetic wall of resistance that she met at Capita and the DWP was more than she could endure. The refusal … Read more

Have your say to recognise caring work & everyone’s right to benefits!

Dear friends, Your views and support are needed on new proposals for the benefits system from the Commission on Social Security, a claimants’ panel.  Please share this with your friends and networks. Responses to the questionnaire needed by 31 October Disabled mothers and family carers on the Commission, including us, pressed for proposals to include … Read more

Disabled woman wins year-long battle with DWP after PIP cancer ordeal

Many thanks to Disability News Service for your coverage of Rita’s benefit win with WinVisible’s help — shared below.  A great response on Twitter. By John Pring on 6th August 2020 A disabled woman of colour had her disability benefits removed for failing to attend a face-to-face assessment, even though she had repeatedly explained that she was not … Read more