“You are owed some money” – winning back after PIP cut

WV logo -- a woman of colour's fist holds pound notes, inside a shape combining the women's symbol and Egyptian Eye of Horus, symbol of healing. In this case, the pound notes say PIP.

Ms X, a disabled single mum and survivor of domestic violence, tells how she secured over £5,000 backdated PIP which the DWP owed for her social support needs “mixing with people” – taking action from info about a legal case she read about online.  She could pay off energy bills and other debts hanging over … Read more

My long road to higher PIP – perseverance pays off!

Women carrying the WinVisible banner at DWP protest. A placard says: Scrap all benefit cuts & sanctions.

WinVisible group member Ms X says: “I’m a mum of three (my children, too, have health conditions), looking after them with support from family.  I’m a single mum, survivor of domestic violence and sexual abuse.  I have PTSD and physical debilitating chronic health conditions. Many of my symptoms are invisible and fluctuating. I’m battling daily … Read more

DWP backlog — failure to communicate PIP extensions causes so much stress

WinVisible member Elizabeth J has written to her MP: “Dear Tulip Siddiq MP and team, Please can something be done about the DWP failing to send out letters informing claimants that our PIP has been extended by 12 months due to their backlog. I got a letter informing me about a similar extension during the … Read more

Woman on dialysis won full PIP — despite DWP saying she must go to tribunal

WinVisible supported Ms S, a woman with end-stage kidney failure on dialysis, in her fight to get full PIP.  We helped cut through the DWP’s resistance, who were pressuring her to accept less than she actually needs. She won over £4,000 backdated benefit. Ms S says: “I can’t thank T and C enough for all … Read more

Disabled woman felt ‘bullied’ by energy firm

Shared from Ruby Flanagan, Daily Express personal finance writer Disabled woman felt ‘bullied’ by energy firm when asking for help to avoid prepayment plan Ebere signed up to her provider through Priority Services (Image: GETTY) [Stock photo]                      A disabled woman says her energy bills have “shot up” significantly due to her reliance on medical equipment. By RUBY … Read more

“The UK has a forced adoption problem”

Forced adoptions: disabled mum Lisa says her daughter was taken away NOT due to harm while in her care, but on “the possibility of some form of future mental, physical or emotional harm.”

‘ “Many people don’t understand that that’s how children are taken…and it’s not fair—a mother can’t fight that argument because harm has not yet happened,” says Tracey Norton of the Disabled Mothers’ Rights Campaign, of which Lisa is part.’

The Global Women’s Strike Experience – Part 1

­Info from the Global Women’s Strike: The Wages for Housework Campaign is celebrating its 50th anniversary with a series of events, in person and online, and the launch of our community archives. More info here.   Next event: The Global Women’s Strike Experience – Part 1Australia, Ireland, Kenya, Quebec, Singapore, Thailand, UK When: Saturday 28 … Read more

Update: winning against care charges & discrimination

We’ve won some changes since Islington Tribune highlighted Fereshteh Khosroujerdy’s care charges and other discrimination against her as a blind woman needing specific support and accessible letters by email. Fereshteh says: “Islington Council has promised to review my case, reduce the care charges, backdate this and refund me the difference in cash. But we’re waiting … Read more

‘The cost of care has left me scared to shop’

Blind woman says 130 per cent charge increase means she is now frightened to spend money Shared from the Islington Tribune, Friday, 13th May — By Anna Lamche A BLIND woman facing “extortionate” fees for her care has said she fears going shopping, amid warnings that spiralling care charges are compounding the bills crisis for the … Read more

Shock of PIP reassessment too soon

“I am currently ending an inpatient stay, due to a crisis brought on by the requirement to complete a PIP review. The papers arrived 11 months earlier than expected, claim due to end Feb 2023, papers arrived April 2022 to be completed in two weeks,” says Ms X.  “My PIP award is till 25/02/23 but … Read more