My long road to higher PIP – perseverance pays off!

Women carrying the WinVisible banner at DWP protest. A placard says: Scrap all benefit cuts & sanctions.

WinVisible group member Ms X says: “I’m a mum of three (my children, too, have health conditions), looking after them with support from family.  I’m a single mum, survivor of domestic violence and sexual abuse.  I have PTSD and physical debilitating chronic health conditions. Many of my symptoms are invisible and fluctuating. I’m battling daily … Read more

I won 10 years’ PIP with M.E.

Pamela* in Yorkshire writes: I’d really like my PIP story to be included on your website. Things are just so dire with benefits and I want to share my experience to try and help others as much as possible and publicize the ME Association meeting with the government minister.  I read the PIP stories on your website … Read more