Election pledges: Billions more for military, not for our needs

Our quote from The Big Issue (19 June): “Labour and Tory alike pledge billions more for military spending and nuclear submarines, but don’t prioritise funding for independent living and support for mothers and children to keep families together in the community.” Our full comment was, “. . . Instead there is massive spending to businesses in … Read more

Bristol: Letter from DPOs accuses care cuts council of ‘inhumane’ policies

Photos of Claire, Fazilet from Disability Rights UK and Rick from Greater Manchester Coalition of Disabled People. Claire holds a placard: Hands off "Substantial Risk to Health" protection for claimants. Rick holds a banner: "Make UNCRPD law".

Shared from Disability News Service — thanks to John Pring. Note by WinVisible: At the 2 May local elections, the Mayor of Bristol will be abolished and it’s widely expected that Bristol Green Party will become the governing party.  So far, the Greens opposed the cuts budget as “unrealistic” and “cruel” but haven’t made definite … Read more

Wed 17 April – join Bristol open meeting

A paper budget cut by scissors

Please join this timely online event organised by Bristol Reclaiming Independent Living (BRIL) — we’ll be speaking on the panel: Wednesday 17 April 2024, 6.30pm-9pm  Cuts, charges and co-production BSL interpretation provided * CC closed captions BRIL and supporters oppose the hated “Fair and Affordable Care” proposals by Bristol City Council, and the cuts budget … Read more

Bristol update: Hated “affordable care” policy is back — by the back door

Bristol Reclaiming Independent Living logo. BRIL in a circle.

We are among disability organisations working with Bristol Reclaiming Independent Living (BRIL), and supporting BRIL members who are facing the threat of being forced to live in a care home. Read BRIL’s latest statement about the budget agreed by Bristol City Council. BRIL’s response to the original consultation, including a legal opinion by Doughty St … Read more

Grandmother with cancer wins cancellation of care charges debt

Women protesting outside a town hall building, most are disabled. Some hold the WinVisible banner. Others hold placards saying Care charges = Violence against women. We want free homecare as in Hammersmith & Fulham. No ifs, no buts, no care cuts.

A grandmother with cancer was pursued by Tower Hamlets council for £2,600 care charges arrears. Her debt was written off after our battle lasting over nine months, with various twists and turns.  Several times, WinVisible quickly had to write to the council asking them to hold off debt recovery, on occasions when she felt too … Read more

What is the family court “crisis”?

Title image of the Family Court Crisis Unconference with white on black writing and drawing of a child sitting with head on knees.

On Saturday 20 January, Anne Neale from Support Not Separation and Tracey Norton from the Disabled Mothers’ Rights Campaign (DMRC)/WinVisible spoke about “What is the family court “crisis”? Watch below on YouTube (captions). Anne gives a general overview, Tracey’s talk starts around 15 mins along. This started off a free online conference organised by Family … Read more

Care charges — our Open Letter to Brent Council

WinVisible women holding our banner and placards at a protest against care charges.

16 December 2023 To: Cllr Neil Nerva, Cabinet member, Public Health and Adult Social Care cllr.neil.nerva@brent.gov.uk Andrew Davies, Head of Commissioning, Contract and Market Management andrew.davies@brent.gov.uk Open letterResponse to Brent Adult Social Care Charging Policy Consultation Consultation info We are writing from WinVisible (women with visible and invisible disabilities), a multi-racial grassroots self-help organisation, based … Read more

Event Mon 11 Dec: End torture of disabled people in residential ‘care’ settings

Image for meeting End Torture of disabled people in residential 'care' settings. A Black woman is speaking into a megaphone standing next to Big Ben, Parliament.

Meeting in Parliament Monday 11 December, 3-5pm Grimond Room, Portcullis House, SW1A 2JH (allow extra time for security check) Westminster tube The Disabled Mothers’ Rights Campaign (DMRC) / WinVisible and other disability rights organisations are speaking at this meeting by the Alliance for Inclusive Education, Disabled People Against Cuts and Reclaiming Our Futures Alliance.   The … Read more

Bristol: Stop the proposed “Fair and Affordable Care” policy

Bristol Reclaiming Independent Living logo. BRIL in a circle.

Open Letter sent from disability organisations 27 November 2023 (signatories updated 31 January To: Marvin Rees, Mayor of Bristol mayor@bristol.gov.uk Cllr Helen Holland, Cabinet member, Adult Social Care cllr.helen.holland@bristol.gov.uk Council officers: Mette.Jakobsen@bristol.gov.uk    James.Mahood@bristol.gov.uk    Hugh.Evans@bristol.gov.uk Emma Edwards, leader of the Green Group   Cllr.Emma.Edwards@bristol.gov.uk Cllr Jos Clark – leader of the Lib Dem Group  cllr.jos.clark@bristol.gov.uk OPEN LETTER … Read more

Emma won care charges down to £4.19 a week

Thanks to My London news and reporter Joe Coughlan, read Emma’s story below.    WinVisible says: Our member Emma is severely disabled and won reduced care charges down to £4.19 a week, from £48.27, with our support.  She is due a cash refund from Bromley Council.  Bromley has privatised who decides care charges, so people … Read more