Rwanda Bill: Disability and Migration Network statement

People demonstrating for asylum rights including All African Women's Group, WinVisible, Women of Colour in the Global Women's Strike.

We support the Disability and Migration Network statement against the Rwanda Bill and condemn the scapegoating of people seeking asylum and disabled claimants, together with Global Women Against Deportations groups. Sharing from Disability Rights UK: The Safety of Rwanda Bill has passed its remaining parliamentary stages. This follows a long fight from campaigners to challenge … Read more

Benefit rights — we’re entitled to survive!

Two photos. Ariane holds a placard: Disabled people are not a burden -- we're entitled to survive! Women wheelchair users and other disabled protesters, including women holding the WinVisible banner, block the road by Westminster Abbey. Traffic including a bus is stopped.

Ahead of the general election, we’re sick and tired of government and Labour politicians hyping up attacks on our disability benefit rights — and PM Rishi Sunak’s plans to squeeze welfare to pay for tax cuts. In any case, the reduction in National Insurance Contributions announced in the Spring Budget, enriches high earners the most. … Read more

DWP Work Capability Assessment consultation — our response

Protesters outside a large building. Women hold the WinVisible banner, next to people holding a red Unite Community Haringey & Barnet branch banner. Our placards say: "Hands off substantial risk to health, protection for claimants. Benefit cuts are killing us! DWP Deliberate Destitution of Kids and Mums is State cruelty. Remembered -- Elaine Morrall, single mum of 4, killed by UC sanction Nov 2017. " A policeman leans against the wall.

On Monday 30 October, we took part in the protest outside the DWP building, and then in the road, against tightening the Work Capability Assessment and say: “No More Deaths from Benefit Cuts”. It was called by Disabled People Against Cuts, joined by John from Black Triangle (Scotland), Unite Community claimant groups across London, and … Read more

Wed 13 September: Mothers Manifesto hunger strike against child hunger

We’re supporting The Mothers Manifesto protest outside Parliament calling for action on food insecurity of children and mothers.  The Mothers Manifesto is a group of mothers and grandmothers from Cornwall and Devon who have travelled to London and camped outside Parliament and Downing Street on hunger strike to highlight children and mums going hungry because … Read more

Women speak out! @ XR’s The Big One, Fri 21 April, 1pm

At Extinction Rebellion’s (XR) The Big One, women from the Disabled Mothers’ Rights Campaign, Newham Disability Reps Forum and WinVisible are part of the Women Care! Women’s Speak Out on Friday 21 April: For those of us at home, the main XR events will be livestreamed on YouTube here.  And we’re taking part in: Nearest … Read more

Austerity Kills – lobby your MP before Thursday’s budget

WinVisible and the Disabled Mothers’ Rights Campaign are part of a campaign by 40 disability organisations across England, co-ordinated by Inclusion London.  Together, we have put out a joint statement, Austerity Kills, ahead of the government’s financial announcement by chancellor Jeremy Hunt this Thursday.  Take action today! Write to your MP to call on them … Read more

Benefit assessments: our group statement to MPs

Here is our group statement to the MPs who scrutinise the DWP, for their inquiry into the assessment of disability benefits. The last time they did this was in 2017-2018. We want to share it now as we have been supporting bereaved relatives interviewed in last night’s Channel 4 Dispatches: Truth about disability benefits. The … Read more

Universal Credit: disabled mums & disabled children lose more

In October 2021, disabled claimants were back in court for the third time to challenge benefit losses under Universal Credit compared to previous benefits. We have been supporting the two disabled men, anonymously called TP and AR. This time, Disability News Service reported that a disabled mother and her family who have joined the case, … Read more