“Sick note Britain” — Doctors in Unite defend patients and GP rights

"Sick note Britain" 27 April 2024. White text on red background.

Doctors in Unite is the UK’s oldest medical trade union representing junior doctors, general practitioners and hospital consultants. Founded in 1914, formerly called the Medical Practitioners’ Union, they campaigned for the formation of the NHS. Read their statement in response to Sunak’s speech attacking sickness benefits: “Doctors in Unite condemns the latest attempt by the … Read more

Sign petition to stop DWP spying on claimants’ bank accounts

A woman wheelchair user holds placard: DWP stop snooping -- being poor is not a crime!

In Parliament, the Lords are discussing and opposing the Data Bill clause which would give the DWP powers to scan the bank accounts of more than 22 million claimants, including pensioners, using artificial intelligence. Sign the Big Brother Watch (BBW) petition here Share BBW updates on Twitter. “DWP are the real criminals“. We know how … Read more

My long road to higher PIP – perseverance pays off!

Women carrying the WinVisible banner at DWP protest. A placard says: Scrap all benefit cuts & sanctions.

WinVisible group member Ms X says: “I’m a mum of three (my children, too, have health conditions), looking after them with support from family.  I’m a single mum, survivor of domestic violence and sexual abuse.  I have PTSD and physical debilitating chronic health conditions. Many of my symptoms are invisible and fluctuating. I’m battling daily … Read more

Benefit rights — we’re entitled to survive!

Two photos. Ariane holds a placard: Disabled people are not a burden -- we're entitled to survive! Women wheelchair users and other disabled protesters, including women holding the WinVisible banner, block the road by Westminster Abbey. Traffic including a bus is stopped.

Ahead of the general election, we’re sick and tired of government and Labour politicians hyping up attacks on our disability benefit rights — and PM Rishi Sunak’s plans to squeeze welfare to pay for tax cuts. In any case, the reduction in National Insurance Contributions announced in the Spring Budget, enriches high earners the most. … Read more

Stop DWP spying on claimants’ bank accounts

Placard DWP stop snooping -- being poor is not a crime! The two OO are drawn as eyes.

Joining with Big Brother Watch, Greater Manchester Coalition of Disabled People and others, we’re campaigning against a Bill in Parliament — it gives the DWP powers to snoop on the bank accounts of over 22 million claimants, monitoring every payment by robot algorithm.  Thanks to Big Brother Watch for coming to the #NoMoreBenefitDeaths protest outside … Read more

DWP Work Capability Assessment consultation — our response

Protesters outside a large building. Women hold the WinVisible banner, next to people holding a red Unite Community Haringey & Barnet branch banner. Our placards say: "Hands off substantial risk to health, protection for claimants. Benefit cuts are killing us! DWP Deliberate Destitution of Kids and Mums is State cruelty. Remembered -- Elaine Morrall, single mum of 4, killed by UC sanction Nov 2017. " A policeman leans against the wall.

On Monday 30 October, we took part in the protest outside the DWP building, and then in the road, against tightening the Work Capability Assessment and say: “No More Deaths from Benefit Cuts”. It was called by Disabled People Against Cuts, joined by John from Black Triangle (Scotland), Unite Community claimant groups across London, and … Read more

Tues 25 April — Support Helen at court vs DWP auto deductions for energy bills

On Tuesday 25 April, we’re joining Fuel Poverty Action, Disabled People Against Cuts and others in support of Helen Timson, a disabled woman who successfully challenged benefit deductions by the DWP done without her knowledge or consent — the DWP is now appealing against this. Vigil details: Time: 9.15-10.15am and 12-2pm — WinVisible joining at … Read more

DWP backlog — failure to communicate PIP extensions causes so much stress

WinVisible member Elizabeth J has written to her MP: “Dear Tulip Siddiq MP and team, Please can something be done about the DWP failing to send out letters informing claimants that our PIP has been extended by 12 months due to their backlog. I got a letter informing me about a similar extension during the … Read more

Justice for Jodey — video of vigil and court sessions

On Tuesday 31 January, Jodey Whiting’s mother Joy Dove travelled 300 miles to the capital, to appeal for a second, fuller inquest, which her lawyers argue is needed in the interests of justice. Credit: ITV News Tyne Tees/ Family Handout On Tuesday, we went to support Joy Dove at the High Court. Watch ITV News video … Read more

Court of Appeal hearing in mother’s fight for second inquest

PRESS RELEASE shared from Leigh Day solicitors: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEMonday 23 January 2023Court of Appeal hearing in mother’s fight for second inquest into death of Jodey Whiting The mother of Jodey Whiting will have a Court of Appeal hearing on Tuesday 31 January and Wednesday 1 February 2023 in her fight for a second inquest … Read more