Podcast for IWD: disabled women talk about discrimination in social care

Images in silhouette of a wheelchair user mum playing with her young daughter.  The WinVisible logo: the fist of a woman of colour holds banknotes, framed inside the Egyptian Eye of Horus combined with a women's symbol.  Silhouette of a visually impaired woman walking with a  cane.

Many thanks to podcast host Don O’Neal and NaCSILS (Campaign for a National Care, Support and Independent Living Service) for inviting us to tell some moving personal stories. 

Click here to listen to the podcast. Text version coming soon, linked on here.

For International Women’s Day, Claire, Ebere, Fereshteh, Kate and Tracey, talk about:

· our Disabled Mothers’ Rights Campaign, challenging the lack of support by Councils and discrimination by the family courts that leads to traumatic separation of mums and kids

· how disabled children are massively over-represented and mistreated in the children’s social care industry, as are children of colour;

· a lesbian disabled single mum describing homophobia;

· a disabled refugee woman spelling out her experience of the hostile environment;

· the impact on us of care charges and bad conditions of privatised care workers;


· being part of a campaign for a living wage / Care Income for all caring work alongside free accountable services.

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