“You are owed some money” – winning back after PIP cut

WV logo -- a woman of colour's fist holds pound notes, inside a shape combining the women's symbol and Egyptian Eye of Horus, symbol of healing. In this case, the pound notes say PIP.

Ms X, a disabled single mum and survivor of domestic violence, tells how she secured over £5,000 backdated PIP which the DWP owed for her social support needs “mixing with people” – taking action from info about a legal case she read about online.  She could pay off energy bills and other debts hanging over … Read more

Bristol: Letter from DPOs accuses care cuts council of ‘inhumane’ policies

Photos of Claire, Fazilet from Disability Rights UK and Rick from Greater Manchester Coalition of Disabled People. Claire holds a placard: Hands off "Substantial Risk to Health" protection for claimants. Rick holds a banner: "Make UNCRPD law".

Shared from Disability News Service — thanks to John Pring. Note by WinVisible: At the 2 May local elections, the Mayor of Bristol will be abolished and it’s widely expected that Bristol Green Party will become the governing party.  So far, the Greens opposed the cuts budget as “unrealistic” and “cruel” but haven’t made definite … Read more

The government’s insulting Disability Action Plan

Two drawings: hands hold a copy of the Care Act. A disabled mum sits in her wheelchair, her son is standing next to her leaning into her shoulder.

We are with disability organisations criticising the government’s insulting Disability Action Plan. Last year, WinVisible and particularly, the Disabled Mothers’ Rights Campaign we co-ordinate, responded to the government consultation which referenced our campaign. We took part in meetings with the Disability Unit focussing on disabled parents and disabled children. Quoted by Mikey Erhardt from Disability … Read more

What is the family court “crisis”?

Title image of the Family Court Crisis Unconference with white on black writing and drawing of a child sitting with head on knees.

On Saturday 20 January, Anne Neale from Support Not Separation and Tracey Norton from the Disabled Mothers’ Rights Campaign (DMRC)/WinVisible spoke about “What is the family court “crisis”? Watch below on YouTube (captions). Anne gives a general overview, Tracey’s talk starts around 15 mins along. This started off a free online conference organised by Family … Read more

Event Mon 11 Dec: End torture of disabled people in residential ‘care’ settings

Image for meeting End Torture of disabled people in residential 'care' settings. A Black woman is speaking into a megaphone standing next to Big Ben, Parliament.

Meeting in Parliament Monday 11 December, 3-5pm Grimond Room, Portcullis House, SW1A 2JH (allow extra time for security check) Westminster tube The Disabled Mothers’ Rights Campaign (DMRC) / WinVisible and other disability rights organisations are speaking at this meeting by the Alliance for Inclusive Education, Disabled People Against Cuts and Reclaiming Our Futures Alliance.   The … Read more

DWP Work Capability Assessment consultation — our response

Protesters outside a large building. Women hold the WinVisible banner, next to people holding a red Unite Community Haringey & Barnet branch banner. Our placards say: "Hands off substantial risk to health, protection for claimants. Benefit cuts are killing us! DWP Deliberate Destitution of Kids and Mums is State cruelty. Remembered -- Elaine Morrall, single mum of 4, killed by UC sanction Nov 2017. " A policeman leans against the wall.

On Monday 30 October, we took part in the protest outside the DWP building, and then in the road, against tightening the Work Capability Assessment and say: “No More Deaths from Benefit Cuts”. It was called by Disabled People Against Cuts, joined by John from Black Triangle (Scotland), Unite Community claimant groups across London, and … Read more

Disability Action Plan — our response to government

Disabled mothers speaking out at the monthly picket of the central Family Court, held by Support Not Separation.

We focussed on disabled mothers and disabled children when we responded to the government’s Disability Action Plan in October. A member of our Disabled Mothers’ Rights Campaign was involved in the legal challenge to the National Disability Strategy, which the Disability Action Plan follows on from. We decided not to comment on the rest of … Read more

Wed 13 September: Mothers Manifesto hunger strike against child hunger

We’re supporting The Mothers Manifesto protest outside Parliament calling for action on food insecurity of children and mothers.  The Mothers Manifesto is a group of mothers and grandmothers from Cornwall and Devon who have travelled to London and camped outside Parliament and Downing Street on hunger strike to highlight children and mums going hungry because … Read more

Friday: event outside India House London WC2B 4NA — 8 Sept at 12.30pm

Photo of multi-racial women's demonstration. A woman speaks into a microphone. She holds a placard: G20 Governments: Take away our poverty, not our children. On the right is a woman of colour in a headscarf holding a placard, poverty is not neglect. On the other side, a woman is wearing a placard, Being a disabled mum is not "harm" to children. Across the image is a red strip, #G20GiveOurKidsBack Friday 8 September 12.30pm, India House WC2B 4NA. Support Not Separation logo.

Tomorrow Friday 8 September from 12.30 lunchtime, please join the Disabled Mothers’ Rights Campaign at a Support Not Separation vigil outside the Indian High Commission WC2 4NA, to demand an end to children from the Global South being removed from their families and kept from them by social services in Global North countries. Press Release … Read more

Camden New Journal — report of Charter launch event

A diverse array of people, mainly women, in a meeting hall, some seated at the front, are smiling and some are making the power salute, in front of the Disabled Mothers' Rights Campaign banner.

Disabled mothers called for an end to the forceful removal of children from parents who are deemed “unfit” to be carers just because they have a disability, writes Frankie Lister-Fell. “If motherhood was inclusive, we wouldn’t be gathered here today”, Kelechi Chioba, member of WinVisible, said at a packed out meeting in Kentish Town last … Read more