Event Mon 11 Dec: End torture of disabled people in residential ‘care’ settings

Meeting in Parliament Monday 11 December, 3-5pm

Grimond Room, Portcullis House, SW1A 2JH (allow extra time for security check)

Westminster tube

The Disabled Mothers’ Rights Campaign (DMRC) / WinVisible and other disability rights organisations are speaking at this meeting by the Alliance for Inclusive Education, Disabled People Against Cuts and Reclaiming Our Futures Alliance.   The End Torture campaign came out of the Hesley Group scandal in Doncaster, where the council was paying £250,000 per young person for residential “special school” placements where they were systematically abused.

DMRC and the Support Not Separation coalition, which we are part of, campaign to end the cruel and traumatic removal of children from their mothers.  We expose how councils pay massive amounts of money to privatised profiteer companies in the “care” industry, instead of supporting mothers to keep families together.

Eventbrite registration and more info here

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