We launched the Disabled Mothers’ Rights Charter!

Our Disabled Mothers’ Rights Campaign brings women with disabilities together to defend our rights to have a family and to keep our children.  Easy Read about our campaign is here On 12 July, we launched the Disabled Mothers’ Rights Charter — read our six demands here. To endorse the Charter, contact us at mumsrights@winvisible. org Media … Read more

Disabled Mothers’ Rights Charter launch Wed 12 July 1pm

Disabled mothers speaking out at the monthly picket of the central Family Court, held by Support Not Separation.

Launch of the Disabled Mothers’ Rights Charter Wed 12 July 2023   1- 3pm Easy Read info In person and on Zoom – register free here – contact us if support needed for online registration, or just come along on the day. Contact us if you need childcare. At Crossroads Women’s Centre, 25 Wolsey Mews, London … Read more

At XR’s The Big One

Together with 60,000 people and 200 organisations, we took part in XR’s The Big One, four days of action 21-24 April, around Parliament to force the UK government to act on the climate emergency. Alongside the big actions, many events were held by groups across a wide range of issues. Day 1, #Unite to survive … Read more

Women speak out! @ XR’s The Big One, Fri 21 April, 1pm

At Extinction Rebellion’s (XR) The Big One, women from the Disabled Mothers’ Rights Campaign, Newham Disability Reps Forum and WinVisible are part of the Women Care! Women’s Speak Out on Friday 21 April: For those of us at home, the main XR events will be livestreamed on YouTube here.  And we’re taking part in: Nearest … Read more

Thurs 23 March — Disabled mothers speak out

A Women’s History Month event with University of East Anglia Students’ Union Thursday 23 March 2023   6pm-7.30pm Disabled mothers speak out about the discrimination and hostility faced by disabled mothers, single and working-class mothers, and mothers of colour, who face an uphill battle to stop social workers and the family courts taking our children from … Read more

When the price on a child’s head is £100k, no wonder adoption in the UK is so toxic

a woaman speaks ino a microphone next to an orange banner with Dsabled Mothers' Rights Campaign to have & keep our kids

Shared from the Canary 3 March 2023 — part three of three reports by Steve Topple — thank you! This is the final article in a three-part series looking at adoption in the UK in relation to mothers and caregivers. Part one, which you can read here, looked at how forced adoption is not a thing of the past … Read more

Systemic racism and ableism pervades the misogynistic UK adoption industry

Shared from the Canary 2 March 2023 — part two of three reports by Steve Topple — thank you! This is the second in a three-part series looking at adoption in the UK in relation to mothers and caregivers. Part one, which you can read here, looked at how forced adoption is not a thing of the past – … Read more

Protest against state-sanctioned forced adoptions

people stand in front of building with a long red banner with Support not Separation Stop snatching children from mums on it and above it an orange banner with Disabled Mothers' Rights Campaign to have & keep our kidspaign & nans on it

Shared from the Canary 1 March 2023 — part one of three reports by Steve Topple — thank you! A protest just highlighted how adoption is the state-sanctioned, forcible removal of children from marginalised women This is the first in a three-part series looking at adoption in the UK, focusing on marginalised mothers and caregivers.  The … Read more

International Women’s Week/Month events with WinVisible

Tues 7 March 1.30pm-2.30pm Women and care (support and assistance) East London Unite Community branch meeting. WinVisible guest speakers + discussion. Contact us for info/Zoom link. Wednesday 8 March – International Women’s Day #IWD2023 Discover Voices podcast Four WinVisible women talk with Dr Theo Blackmore, disAbility Cornwall Audio click here — and audio on Amazon … Read more

News from the Disabled Mothers’ Rights Campaign

Newsletter February 2023Easy Read here The Disabled Mothers’ Rights Campaign (DMRC) brings disabled mothers together to defend our rights to have a family and to keep our children. The campaign is co-ordinated by WinVisible and is part of Support Not Separation (SNS).   Together with SNS, we worked with Channel 5 News on a breakthrough … Read more