Disabled Mothers’ Rights Charter launch Wed 12 July 1pm

Launch of the Disabled Mothers’ Rights Charter

Wed 12 July 2023   1- 3pm Easy Read info

In person and on Zoom – register free here – contact us if support needed for online registration, or just come along on the day. Contact us if you need childcare.

At Crossroads Women’s Centre, 25 Wolsey Mews, London NW5 2DX Map

Bus or overground to Kentish Town Thameslink or Kentish Town West. Note: Kentish Town tube is closed – we’re demanding that a lift be installed!

Disabled mothers speak out and launch our Charter of Rights:

  • Disabled women are not unfit mothers.
  • End discrimination by social services and the family courts.
  • Our legal rights – and our children’s – must be implemented!

The Disabled Mothers’ Rights Campaign has come together to make disabled mothers and our children more visible and to raise our voices in the disability movement and in the community generally.  The Charter of Rights aims to spell out what we are entitled to and what councils and the family courts must do to end the discrimination and hostility we face, especially if we’re also single, of colour, working-class, LGBTQI+, a victim of domestic violence…

Please join us to discuss what we can all do to stop social workers and the family courts taking our children from us instead of providing the support we are legally entitled to.

Speakers, videos and live discussion

Join the Support Not Separation protest outside Central Family Court, Holborn
first Wednesday of every month
— next one Wed 2 August 12.30-1.30pm outside court and on Twitter @WinVisibleWomen @NotSeparation

Email: mumsrights@winvisible.org Tel: 020 7482 2496

Campaign page: https://winvisible.org/disabled-mothers-rights-campaign


Thanks to our funder:

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