We launched the Disabled Mothers’ Rights Charter!

Our Disabled Mothers’ Rights Campaign brings women with disabilities together to defend our rights to have a family and to keep our children.  Easy Read about our campaign is here

Disabled women sitting as a panel with the Disabled Mothers' Rights Campaign banner on the wall behind them, next to the sign language interpreter. An African woman wheelchair user is speaking on the microphone gesturing with her hand.

On 12 July, we launched the Disabled Mothers’ Rights Charter — read our six demands here. To endorse the Charter, contact us at mumsrights@winvisible. org

Thumbnail image of the Charter

Media coverage:

Social services in the spotlight over disabled mothers — The Canary

New campaign calls out discrimination against disabled mothers — Nadja

Camden New Journal report

A diverse audience is applauding the speaker.  The room is decorated with banners around the walls.
People at the launch at the Crossroads Women’s Centre and on Zoom

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