DWP Green Paper — no benefit cuts!

Here is our response to the DWP consultation: Shaping Future Support — Health and Disability Green Paper Response by WinVisible (women with visible & invisible disabilities) We are a grassroots multi-racial organisation with a UK-wide network, enabling disabled women of different backgrounds and situations to have a voice.  On benefits, we provide self-help information, peer … Read more

Wed 6 Oct: Picket the family court — stop Universal Credit cut. Take away our poverty NOT our children!

WinVisible is joining this protest tomorrow. Join in person or on Twitter @NotSeparation @WinVisibleWomen Support Not Separation say: NO cut to Universal Credit! Protect mothers & children NOT violent men! “The family court picket is back! Join us Wed 6 Oct, 12.30 – 1.30pm“Outside London family court First Ave House, 42-49 High Holborn, WC1V 6NP “On the day … Read more

Remembering anti-poverty campaigner Rev Paul Nicolson

Today 5 March 2021, to mark one year since we lost Rev Paul, his daughter Krissie Nicolson kindly interviewed WinVisible about our memories of her Dad. Read it here on the Taxpayers Against Poverty (TAP) blog. Krissie is doing a series of interviews with people who knew him, and a memorial event is to be … Read more

Mon 1 March: Universal Credit 2nd day of action to keep £20 — and more

Fight for £20 more for claimants on other benefits We invite everyone to join the 2nd UK Day of Action to keep the £20 increase to Universal Credit and extend it to other benefits.  Ahead of the Budget on Wednesday 3 March.  Called by Disabled People Against Cuts. Follow us on Twitter on Monday 1 … Read more

Sat 6 Feb: Universal Credit — join online day of action against £20 cut

Say NO to the proposed £20 per week cut to Universal Credit Fight for £20 increase for claimants on other benefits We invite everyone to join the National Day of Action to fight plans to scrap the £20 uplift to Universal Credit.  Called by Disabled People Against Cuts, Homes For All campaign and People Before … Read more

Mum Philippa Day killed by benefits brutality

The inquest in Nottingham into the death of Philippa Day has concluded. Her sister, Imogen Day says: “Support from her community psychiatric nurse and from her family kept her going. But the constant cold and unsympathetic wall of resistance that she met at Capita and the DWP was more than she could endure. The refusal … Read more

The Right to Food — webinar Friday 16 Oct 2020

This Friday morning, WinVisible is speaking at an online event for the Right to Food, held on UN World Food Day. Webinar 10am to 11am. Free registration here This webinar is organised by the Right to Food project at Sustain: the Alliance for Better Food and Farming and HEAR the pan-equality London network, as part of London Challenge Poverty Week. Info … Read more

Universal Credit: the struggle continues

Tonight on BBC2 at 9pm: Episode 3 of Universal Credit — Inside the Welfare State. This week’s episode from Bolton, shows the struggles of mum Paula, and Jenny, a waitress on a zero-hour contract.  We haven’t seen the full programme, only the clip from the BBC.  But the clip makes out that the problem is giving … Read more

Vigil held for Errol Graham in Nottingham

Errol Graham, from Nottingham, slowly starved to death after being cut off ESA for “failure to attend” a face-to-face assessment on 31 August 2017.  (The assessor company Maximus – CHDA would have reported his “failure to attend” to the DWP.)  His bereaved daughter-in-law, Alison Turner, went to  Disability News Service and has been campaigning for … Read more

Universal Credit – 3rd court battle for severe disability premiums

 On Tuesday 3 December 2019 – International Day of Disabled People at Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London WC2A 2LL Court case starts 10.30am. Go into court room 73 to support the claimants, TP and AR. Court times to be listed here.  Continues Wednesday 4 December (afternoon only), Thursday 5 December, support in court needed. … Read more