Mon 1 March: Universal Credit 2nd day of action to keep £20 — and more

Poster “No Cuts to Benefits” and pic of demo against Universal Credit in Parliament Square

Fight for £20 more for claimants on other benefits

We invite everyone to join the 2nd UK Day of Action to keep the £20 increase to Universal Credit and extend it to other benefits.  Ahead of the Budget on Wednesday 3 March Called by Disabled People Against Cuts.

Follow us on Twitter on Monday 1 March @WinVisibleWomen

On the first day of action, 6 February 2021, there were actions UK-wide online and socially distanced.  Including in Birmingham, Darlington, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Lancaster, Portsmouth, and from the North of Ireland.  Communities and groups of all kinds want the £20 lifeline kept and extended. Pressure is growing.  On 9 February, MPs on the Work and Pensions Select Committee called for the extension to “prevent hundreds of thousands falling into (greater) poverty”.  Many sick and disabled women on Universal Credit have been left in limbo with no disability addition to UC as their telephone interview by Maximus was deemed “inconclusive”.

#20More4All because ESA, JSA, Carers Allowance have not been increased.

DPAC are asking people to:

  • “Take and share selfies on the day using the hashtag #20More4All
  • Put up and share posters and stickers. You can:
  • We are asking all our supporters to email your MP telling them why it is important to you that the uplift is extended to legacy benefits. You can find a template letter here: Please also email a copy to us at: that we can send on the both the Prime Minister and the Chancellor of the Exchequer. We want to deliver as many letters and expressions of concern on this issue as possible to before the Spring Budget on 3 March.
  • We are also looking for disabled people on legacy benefits who haven’t had the £20 uplift and are struggling to manage financially to speak to the media. If you could help us please send an outline of your situation and contact details to
  • You can also have your say anonymously – about your experiences and what the uplift means to you but filling in this extremely quick and straightforward survey: [Thanks to Sheffield DPAC and @imaJSAclaimant for producing this].
  • Make your own banners for local banner drops that can be done without breaking social distancing guidelines.
  • For those that can, go out and hold socially distanced protests.”

There are two petitions you can sign:

Keep the £20pw Universal Credit lifeline and extend to those on legacy benefits

Don’t Leave Disabled People Behind

#KeepTheLifeline   #IncreaseDisabilityBenefits

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