Track records on benefit cuts

Let’s look at the track record of political parties concerning benefits.  Click here to read our previous chronology of the community actions from October 2010 to March 2016 which led to the resignation of the then Work and Pensions Minister Iain Duncan Smith. Note: Research done by the Spartacus Network was not included in the round-up.  … Read more

Universal Credit battle for severe disability premiums

The two severely disabled men, known as TP and AR, who were on ESA and claimed Universal Credit (UC) when they moved to a different area, are still battling for their severe disability premium (SDP) rights.  Other single severely disabled people previously on ESA will get these — if they have no “change of circumstances” … Read more

Claimant-led Commission on Social Security — our say

We are taking part in the Commission on Social Security, which is led by people with personal experience of claiming benefits.   The Commission is a project supported by the Trust for London, to come up with proposals on how to make the welfare benefits system better.  These proposals will be put to the government.   The … Read more

Women say: reorient benefits to support us and recognise care work

Here is our submission to the Labour Policy Forum about benefits and employment, done jointly with the Global Women’s Strike.  Anyone can make a submission, as an individual or organisation, as a Labour Party member or guest.  The consultation ends tomorrow 30 June. Labour policy review – Work, pensions and equality Joint submission from … Read more

Justice for Jodey — mum Joy Dove backed by Ken Loach

Film director Ken Loach, who made “I, Daniel Blake” (2016) to expose the brutalities of the benefits system, has given his support to Joy Dove, mum of Jodey Whiting. Ken Loach said on Twitter: “The DWP is still failing people – it may be worse now than it was when we made I, Daniel Blake.” In … Read more

Single mums challenge UC working allowance disaster

Dear friends, please attend court to show your support: Tues 27 November 2018, from 10.30am:  go into Court 1 to support the claimants.   High Court, Strand, London WC2A 2LL Continues Wednesday,  check court listing here Single mums are in court to challenge the government over the Universal Credit (UC) payment system which is inflexible and … Read more

Mental Health Resistance Network launches “We Demand”

Our friends Mental Health Resistance Network (MHRN) have published their own wide-ranging list of demands by people with mental distress, “We Demand”, ahead of tomorrow’s conference of high-up NHS professionals, Care Quality Commission and Mind, on: “Next steps for mental health services in England – funding, care quality and efficiencies” (20 November 2018).   MHRN are … Read more

Loss of severe disability premiums — update

Some women who lost severe disability premiums (SDPs) have been in touch with us since the judge ruled in favour of the two disabled men who lost severe disability premiums after they moved area and were made to change from ESA to Universal Credit (UC). It’s so frustrating that despite winning in court, other disabled … Read more

UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights

We submitted evidence to the UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, ahead of his visit to the UK in November.  This has now been published by the UN alongside other submissions. According to the Guardian newspaper, Philip Alston who is an ’eminent international human rights lawyer called for submissions from anyone in the UK to … Read more

UC challenges by mum of disabled daughter and ESA man found “fit for work”

More legal challenges to Universal Credit are on the way: by a man whose ESA was stopped when he was unfairly found “fit for work”; and by a single mother who lost her carer benefits as her daughter’s DLA did not continue smoothly. More information from the Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) representing the claimants, is below. … Read more