Claimant-led Commission on Social Security — our say

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We are taking part in the Commission on Social Security, which is led by people with personal experience of claiming benefits.   The Commission is a project supported by the Trust for London, to come up with proposals on how to make the welfare benefits system better.  These proposals will be put to the government.   The Commission gathered people’s views in different ways, including workshops and a questionnaire.

WinVisible held two group meetings to answer the questionnaire, bringing overlapping experiences as claimants of sickness and disability benefits, job seekers, disabled mothers and other carers, together.  Read our answers to the questionnaire here.  Comments welcome!

More about the Commission here.

1 thought on “Claimant-led Commission on Social Security — our say”

  1. Such great responses to difficult questions. Covered all bases. Outstandingly professional, knowledgeable and person-centred. Never stop this fight for basic humanitarian rights and lives.


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