Justice for Jodey — video of vigil and court sessions

On Tuesday 31 January, Jodey Whiting’s mother Joy Dove travelled 300 miles to the capital, to appeal for a second, fuller inquest, which her lawyers argue is needed in the interests of justice. Credit: ITV News Tyne Tees/ Family Handout

On Tuesday, we went to support Joy Dove at the High Court. Watch ITV News video of our vigil and interviews with Joy and others here

In court, the details of Jodey’s ordeal are very upsetting but we felt it is important to know what our side is putting forward about the need for a second inquest and holding the DWP to account. This is what solicitors Leigh Day say about Joy Dove’s case.

Video of the Court of Appeal hearing if you want to watch:

Session 1 — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Yr73XS4B8Q

Session 2 — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4313uC8juSc

Session 3 — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JfRZx6fGxU

The judges will announce their decision later.

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