Independent living and social care

‘The cost of care has left me scared to shop’

By winvisibleblog | 14 May 2022 | 0 Comments

Blind woman says 130 per cent charge increase means she is now frightened to spend money Shared from the Islington Tribune, Friday, 13th May — By Anna Lamche A BLIND woman facing “extortionate” fees for her care has said she fears going shopping, amid warnings that spiralling care charges are compounding the bills crisis for the most vulnerable. Fereshteh Khosroujerdy, a blind woman living in sheltered accommodation in Archway, has long been struggling to make ends meet. In the past decade, she has seen her care charges increase by roughly 130 per cent, despite now receiving … Read more

Local elections: press candidates about mothers and children, social care

By winvisibleblog | 29 April 2022 | 0 Comments

Before the local elections on 5 May, we have a chance to press the candidates who want our votes, to commit to providing mothers and children with support so families can stay together – if they are elected.  It’s our chance to tell them that councils must stop targeting mostly working-class single mothers for “child protection” leading to taking our children away.   Despite our legal entitlement to support, any request for support, particularly if we have a disability, are women of colour, have grown up in “care” and/or face other discrimination, is often used … Read more

Anti-war women cheered by supporters at court

By winvisibleblog | 02 April 2022 | 2 Comments

Despite cold weather, there was a big turnout early yesterday at Liverpool magistrates’ court to support Sue Ferguson and Ruth Knox, who were charged after a “spray paint incident” against the Arms Fair held last year. Supporters from many organisations cheered the two women as they arrived at court. They included Cllr Alan Gibbons (one of seven suspended Labour councillors who opposed Liverpool City Council’s cuts budget a few weeks ago), and writer/actor Tayo Aluko. The Liverpool Echo reports: Ferguson and Knox, representing themselves in court, said they didn’t dispute the case against them but … Read more

Podcast for IWD: disabled women talk about discrimination in social care

By winvisibleblog | 04 March 2022 | 0 Comments

Many thanks to podcast host Don O’Neal and NaCSILS (Campaign for a National Care, Support and Independent Living Service) for inviting us to tell some moving personal stories.  Click here to listen to the podcast. Text version coming soon, linked on here. For International Women’s Day, Claire, Ebere, Fereshteh, Kate and Tracey, talk about: · our Disabled Mothers’ Rights Campaign, challenging the lack of support by Councils and discrimination by the family courts that leads to traumatic separation of mums and kids · how disabled children are massively over-represented and mistreated in the children’s social … Read more

Care charges: Councils of despair

By winvisibleblog | 03 March 2022 | 0 Comments

We helped with this article (below). Thanks to Private Eye and Heather Mills for publicising, Cheshire DPAC/Oppose Social Care Charging in Cheshire and Inclusion London for getting Councils to release figures on how many sick and disabled people they threaten with court. As it’s a paper magazine, here is the text for visually impaired readers: Private Eye 2 March 2022 p.40 Social care Councils of despair* “Tens of thousands of sick and disabled people are being driven into debt over charges imposed by local authorities for the care and support they need to stay in … Read more

Liverpool Wed 2 March @ 4pm: demand a no-cuts budget

By winvisibleblog | 27 February 2022 | 0 Comments

With Sue Ferguson and Liverpool Against the Cuts, we’re campaigning against the hike in care charges, cuts to disabled people with high needs, and the intended budget by Liverpool City Council from April. At the same time as they are cutting support and services to mums and kids, they plan to open more children’s homes. This Wednesday at 4pm, we’ll be tweeting in support of the demonstration. Info from Liverpool Against the Cuts: On 2 March, Liverpool City Council will meet in the Town Hall to agree a budget which cuts services by nearly £19 … Read more

Tomorrow 7pm: WinVisible speak at CasWO! care workers event

By winvisibleblog | 21 February 2022 | 1 Comment

Claire from WinVisible is speaking tomorrow Tues 22 February 2022 – 7pm on Zoom at Care and Support Workers Organise (CasWO!) event: Tackling the Staffing Crisis in Social Care With author Emma Dowling; Larry Sanders, Green Party; Steve North, Salford City Unison; Stella Noakes, CasWO! Join this important discussion — Register here We look forward to tomorrow’s CasWO! meeting. Getting together as disabled women & unwaged family carers, with care workers on low wages & zero-hour contracts, is crucial to mutually respectful relationships and financial recognition.   CasWO!, thank you for inviting WinVisible to take … Read more

Liverpool & Merseyside campaign vs Budget cuts

By winvisibleblog | 25 January 2022 | 0 Comments

Together with campaigner Sue Ferguson, we’re working with Liverpool Against the Cuts against the increased care charges passed by Liverpool City Council in December 2021, and further Budget cuts to social care and other services in 2022. Sue spoke out to Disability News Service. People from the Scrap Care Charges campaign, including in the North West England region, are helping too. Dates and info from Liverpool Against the Cuts, starting tomorrow: (1) 4pm Wednesday 26 January.  Liverpool Town Hall:  Lobby of councillors outside the full Council meeting. Please note this is not a meeting to discuss … Read more

Disabled women’s fight to survive — Camden New Journal

By winvisibleblog | 27 November 2021 | 0 Comments

Our local paper, the Camden New Journal, asked for an article for their special edition written by women (18 November 2021). Our colleagues at Women Against Rape contributed: “Women’s safety is not a police priority“, where they highlighted how women’s mental health and other factors are used against us to drop investigations. We’re glad to be part of the women’s edition. Our article was edited down, below is the full version. “At the Crossroads Women’s Centre where WinVisible is based, sick and disabled women in Camden and beyond, get together to support each other in … Read more

Public interest news: Greenwich diverted £21m funds away from social care before charges hike

By winvisibleblog | 07 November 2021 | 0 Comments

THANK YOU 853 London news for breaking this story. This shows that Greenwich had previously diverted £21m of the government Better Care Fund away from social care, then increased charges from our disability benefits to squeeze another £1.6m from disabled residents. (The Better Care Funds from government are meant for support in the community so people can be discharged home from hospital sooner, and for more support in the community so people’s health is maintained.) In July 2019, WinVisible sent an Open Letter to the Greenwich consultation on increased charges. In it, Greenwich resident Kate … Read more