Independent living and social care

Camden New Journal — report of Charter launch event

By winvisibleblog | 31 July 2023 | 0 Comments
A diverse array of people, mainly women, in a meeting hall, some seated at the front, are smiling and some are making the power salute, in front of the Disabled Mothers' Rights Campaign banner.

Disabled mothers called for an end to the forceful removal of children from parents who are deemed “unfit” to be carers just because they have a disability, writes Frankie Lister-Fell. “If motherhood was inclusive, we wouldn’t be gathered here today”, Kelechi Chioba, member of WinVisible, said at a packed out meeting in Kentish Town last week, adding: “Everyone stigmatises you as a disabled person.  They look at you and say ‘are you sure you can push a pram, in a wheelchair?’  Well why can’t you give me someone to push a pram for me, then?  … Read more

We launched the Disabled Mothers’ Rights Charter!

By winvisibleblog | 15 July 2023 | 0 Comments

Our Disabled Mothers’ Rights Campaign brings women with disabilities together to defend our rights to have a family and to keep our children.  Easy Read about our campaign is here On 12 July, we launched the Disabled Mothers’ Rights Charter — read our six demands here. To endorse the Charter, contact us at mumsrights@winvisible. org Media coverage: Social services in the spotlight over disabled mothers — The Canary New campaign calls out discrimination against disabled mothers — Nadja Camden New Journal report

Disabled Mothers’ Rights Charter launch Wed 12 July 1pm

By winvisibleblog | 30 June 2023 | 1 Comment
Disabled mothers speaking out at the monthly picket of the central Family Court, held by Support Not Separation.

Launch of the Disabled Mothers’ Rights Charter Wed 12 July 2023   1- 3pm Easy Read info In person and on Zoom – register free here – contact us if support needed for online registration, or just come along on the day. Contact us if you need childcare. At Crossroads Women’s Centre, 25 Wolsey Mews, London NW5 2DX Map Bus or overground to Kentish Town Thameslink or Kentish Town West. Note: Kentish Town tube is closed – we’re demanding that a lift be installed! Disabled mothers speak out and launch our Charter of Rights: The Disabled … Read more

‘It’s a tax on disability’: rising UK social care costs force many into debt

By winvisibleblog | 28 May 2023 | 1 Comment

Disabled people are paying “a tax on disability” by being forced to fund soaring care charges out of their benefits as the cost of living pushes care users into financial crisis . . . [WinVisible] said some disabled women are being coerced into sex by acquaintances after turning to them for care because they couldn’t pay care charges.

COVID inquiry ‘has shut out’ grassroots disabled people’s organisations

By winvisibleblog | 09 December 2022 | 0 Comments

Photo thanks to Rights For Residents Disability News Service reports on how disability organisations have been treated, who applied to take part in the COVID-19 UK inquiry. We are quoted: “WinVisible is another grassroots DPO that has expressed frustration at the inquiry’s decision. Claire Glasman, co-ordinator at WinVisible, said it was unacceptable that the inquiry had shut out all DPOs from the first module, on the country’s state of preparedness, even though “emergency planning is the first stage, where our survival is at stake and where our survival was dismissed”, and that only the four national … Read more

Austerity Kills – lobby your MP before Thursday’s budget

By winvisibleblog | 14 November 2022 | 1 Comment

WinVisible and the Disabled Mothers’ Rights Campaign are part of a campaign by 40 disability organisations across England, co-ordinated by Inclusion London.  Together, we have put out a joint statement, Austerity Kills, ahead of the government’s financial announcement by chancellor Jeremy Hunt this Thursday.  Take action today! Write to your MP to call on them to speak out and press for increased benefits and support services – use model letter which emails direct to your MP. See the press release: Facts and figures: Contact WinVisible for more info. We remember: Lillian Oluk and … Read more

Safe Care at Home review: our statement

By winvisibleblog | 22 September 2022 | 0 Comments

The underlying reason why abuse happens at home is the lack of proper financial recognition of caring work for both unwaged carers, family and friends, and low-paid carers who are themselves exploited; and because those of us who need care, disabled women especially, are deprived of income and resources and so have lower status.

Children’s social care review feeds disability discrimination

By winvisibleblog | 10 August 2022 | 0 Comments

A year ago, in August 2021, together with Legal Action for Women which co-ordinates Support Not Separation, we sent in joint evidence to the Independent review of children’s social care. The Review was: “A once in a generation opportunity to transform the children’s social care system and provide children with loving, safe and stable families.” We highlighted the lack of Care Act support for disabled mothers, and the disproportionate number of disabled children and teenagers in “care”, who suffer some of the worst institutional conditions and abuse, such as restraint and solitary confinement. The Review Chair, … Read more

“87,000 people can’t keep up with care bills” 

By winvisibleblog | 26 May 2022 | 0 Comments

Care charges. Chaminda Jayanetti writes: “Nearly 90,000 adult care users are behind on their care charge payments, with around one in four of all chargeable care users issued with reminder notices or more serious enforcement action.” Article on Open Democracy international news website. We’re quoted: [WinVisible] said care charges were a form of “violence against women”. “Those of us with high needs get the highest charges, including women of colour already hit by health inequality.  Women who drop out [of care] live in squalor or are forced to rely on acquaintances or men who often become … Read more

Update: winning against care charges & discrimination

By winvisibleblog | 21 May 2022 | 0 Comments

We’ve won some changes since Islington Tribune highlighted Fereshteh Khosroujerdy’s care charges and other discrimination against her as a blind woman needing specific support and accessible letters by email. Fereshteh says: “Islington Council has promised to review my case, reduce the care charges, backdate this and refund me the difference in cash. But we’re waiting for them to confirm in writing. And the charges are still too high for the reduced hours I’m getting.” Watch this space for more news! Fereshteh wrote to the Tribune: I’m campaigning for a proper ‘Care Income’ Friday, 20th May … Read more