Tues 25 April — Support Helen at court vs DWP auto deductions for energy bills

On Tuesday 25 April, we’re joining Fuel Poverty Action, Disabled People Against Cuts and others in support of Helen Timson, a disabled woman who successfully challenged benefit deductions by the DWP done without her knowledge or consent — the DWP is now appealing against this. Vigil details: Time: 9.15-10.15am and 12-2pm — WinVisible joining at … Read more

Judge orders stop to warrants for forced prepay meters

Forced prepay meters: magistrates have been rubber-stamping court orders for forced installation against sick and disabled people, families and mothers with infants. Good news shared from The Guardian 6 February 2023: “Magistrates have been ordered to stop issuing warrants allowing energy firms to force fit prepayment meters in England and Wales. One of the country’s … Read more

Forced prepay meters — British Gas facts

January 2023 Paul Morgan-Bentley undercover with Arvato Financial Solutions on behalf of British Gas. Breaking in to install forced prepay meters on children with a single father, a single mother with a newborn baby, sick and disabled people. Flouting the Ofgem rules on vulnerable users. November 2022 British Gas owner Centrica hands £250m to shareholders … Read more

Disabilities campaigners lead challenge to energy bill meters

Photo: Vigil in memory of Lawrence Bond, Kentish Town Jobcentre, January 2017 Shared from Camden New Journal with thanks — our piece in their Disability History Month special edition: WinVisible helps people with support and information Thursday, 29th December 2022 — By Frankie Lister-Fell FOR 38 years a Kentish-Town based disabilities group has been a powerful … Read more

Petition: Don’t force us onto prepay meters!

Stop energy companies forcing us onto prepayment meters — prevent illness and deaths from cold and damp! Sign the petition by 38 Degrees here: https://act.38degrees.org.uk/act/stop-forced-prepayment… The petition targets Centrica (British Gas), EDF, Eon, Ovo (SSE), Octopus and Scottish Power. 38 Degrees says: “Since July 2021, energy suppliers have obtained more than 490,000 warrants to enter … Read more

Disabled woman felt ‘bullied’ by energy firm

Shared from Ruby Flanagan, Daily Express personal finance writer Disabled woman felt ‘bullied’ by energy firm when asking for help to avoid prepayment plan Ebere signed up to her provider through Priority Services (Image: GETTY) [Stock photo]                      A disabled woman says her energy bills have “shot up” significantly due to her reliance on medical equipment. By RUBY … Read more

Wanted: campaign co-ordinator — Disabled Mothers’ Rights

WinVisible (women with visible & invisible disabilities) is looking for a Campaign Co-ordinator — Disabled Mothers’ Rights Based at the Crossroads Women’s Centre in Kentish Town, North West London. £31,200 per year / 35 hours — flexible/remote working supported/job share option 3-year fixed term contract. Start 4 May 2021 or as soon after as possible. … Read more