Universal Credit disaster — disabled mums on Dispatches TV

Dispatches Britain's Benefits Crisis Tracey

In the programme, which also features the protests, disabled mums speak about their experiences of claiming Universal Credit.  Lorna Dunleavy was made suicidal by the in-built delays and underpayment.  Tracey lost her ESA severe disability premium after trying waged work for a time.  She was told to make a fresh claim for Universal Credit, despite being advised that she would not lose out if she could not continue waged work. (There are special rules where people going back onto ESA are supposed to have a “linked claim” that goes back to their previous claim.)

A man with mental health problems could not access his Universal Credit claim “journal” online as the library was shut — his claim was closed.  A self-employed single dad of two who worked part-time was left destitute, the children live with their grandparents and their dog was rehomed.

DWP members of the PCS union speak out about understaffing.

Watch here.  Click S for subtitles.  Channel 4 requires you to sign in to watch online.

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