Tues 1 May — legal challenge vs Universal Credit at the High Court about loss of severe disability premiums
Joint vigil at 9.30am outside the High Court, Strand, London WC2A 2LL — please come and support if you can.
Some people are then going in to attend the court case. The case is set to run until Friday 4 May, usually 10.30am-5pm (may finish earlier on Friday). Court 47, check court number here.
Mr TP, a terminally ill man who lives alone, has been denied the severe and enhanced disability premiums after he moved to a Universal Credit area. These premiums are part of Income Support/ESA for sick and disabled people who live alone and have extra expenses. TP is losing £178 a month and having to worry about money during his illness. Read more here.
“Holes in the safety net: the impact of Universal Credit on disabled people and their families”, was the October 2012 report from an inquiry headed by Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson. It highlighted that nearly half a million disabled people are hit hard, especially children and their families; severely disabled people living alone, and those in waged work. Disabled people and their families warned that cuts to the child disability additions and to the severe disability premium were likely to result in them struggling to pay for basic essentials such as food and heating. The report exposed that Universal Credit cuts or abolishes most help for particular needs, disagreeing with the view that UC usefully “simplifies” benefits.
MPs on the all-party Work and Pensions Committee are investigating Universal Credit. They are currently looking at how Universal Credit paid to the man in couples, increases the risk of domestic and financial abuse of women and children, and are inviting submissions: https://www.parliament.uk/business/committees/committees-a-z/commons-select/work-and-pensions-committee/news-parliament-2017/uc-domestic-abuse-launch-17-19/
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