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Bristol: Stop the proposed “Fair and Affordable Care” policy

By winvisibleblog | 28/11/2023 | 0 Comments
Bristol Reclaiming Independent Living logo. BRIL in a circle.

Open Letter sent from disability organisations 27 November 2023 (signatories updated 31 January To: Marvin Rees, Mayor of Bristol Cllr Helen Holland, Cabinet member, Adult Social Care Council officers: Emma Edwards, leader of the Green Group Cllr Jos Clark – leader of the Lib Dem Group OPEN LETTER … Read more

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Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry: Micheleine Kane to testify Thurs 23 November

By winvisibleblog | 22/11/2023 | 0 Comments
Photo of Micheleine Kane, a white woman with blonde hair. She is at a demonstration.

On Thursday 23 November from 2pm, Micheleine Kane will be giving evidence to the Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry in Edinburgh.  This is part of the Health and Social Care Impact sessions, hearing from bereaved relatives. (Day 15 afternoon) Watch live or later on YouTube (captions available): Micheleine is best known as a leading grandmother kinship … Read more

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Reclaim the Night Brighton — our support message

By winvisibleblog | 10/11/2023 | 0 Comments

Reclaim the Night Brighton is marching tonight. 6pm Friday 10th November 2023, meeting at Brighton rail station. Protesting against street harassment & rape culture. Trans & sex worker inclusive. Our support message: Hello from WinVisible, women with visible & invisible disabilities – we are with you in spirit at Reclaim the Night Brighton, and taking … Read more

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DWP Work Capability Assessment consultation — our response

By winvisibleblog | 31/10/2023 | 1 Comment
Protesters outside a large building. Women hold the WinVisible banner, next to people holding a red Unite Community Haringey & Barnet branch banner. Our placards say: "Hands off substantial risk to health, protection for claimants. Benefit cuts are killing us! DWP Deliberate Destitution of Kids and Mums is State cruelty. Remembered -- Elaine Morrall, single mum of 4, killed by UC sanction Nov 2017. " A policeman leans against the wall.

On Monday 30 October, we took part in the protest outside the DWP building, and then in the road, against tightening the Work Capability Assessment and say: “No More Deaths from Benefit Cuts”. It was called by Disabled People Against Cuts, joined by John from Black Triangle (Scotland), Unite Community claimant groups across London, and … Read more

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Disability Action Plan — our response to government

By winvisibleblog | 21/10/2023 | 0 Comments
Disabled mothers speaking out at the monthly picket of the central Family Court, held by Support Not Separation.

We focussed on disabled mothers and disabled children when we responded to the government’s Disability Action Plan in October. A member of our Disabled Mothers’ Rights Campaign was involved in the legal challenge to the National Disability Strategy, which the Disability Action Plan follows on from. We decided not to comment on the rest of … Read more

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COVID-19 Inquiry: disability testimony & protest

By winvisibleblog | 09/10/2023 | 5 Comments
Protesting outside the COVID-19 Inquiry at Dorland House, London W2, with Disability Rights UK, Inclusion London, Disabled People Against Cuts and women from COVID-19 Bereaved Families for Justice

Today we went to the COVID-19 UK Inquiry to hear testimony by Disability Rights UK and disabled researchers into disability, poverty and ill-health. The hearing was under Module 2 focussing on decision-making by central government, and addressed “structural inequalities and disability”. Warning: distressing content below. In the public gallery, we met several women from COVID-19 … Read more

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Wed 13 September: Mothers Manifesto hunger strike against child hunger

By winvisibleblog | 11/09/2023 | 0 Comments

We’re supporting The Mothers Manifesto protest outside Parliament calling for action on food insecurity of children and mothers.  The Mothers Manifesto is a group of mothers and grandmothers from Cornwall and Devon who have travelled to London and camped outside Parliament and Downing Street on hunger strike to highlight children and mums going hungry because … Read more

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Friday: event outside India House London WC2B 4NA — 8 Sept at 12.30pm

By winvisibleblog | 07/09/2023 | 0 Comments
Photo of multi-racial women's demonstration. A woman speaks into a microphone. She holds a placard: G20 Governments: Take away our poverty, not our children. On the right is a woman of colour in a headscarf holding a placard, poverty is not neglect. On the other side, a woman is wearing a placard, Being a disabled mum is not "harm" to children. Across the image is a red strip, #G20GiveOurKidsBack Friday 8 September 12.30pm, India House WC2B 4NA. Support Not Separation logo.

Tomorrow Friday 8 September from 12.30 lunchtime, please join the Disabled Mothers’ Rights Campaign at a Support Not Separation vigil outside the Indian High Commission WC2 4NA, to demand an end to children from the Global South being removed from their families and kept from them by social services in Global North countries. Press Release … Read more

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We’re in the news! Save our ticket offices!

By winvisibleblog | 03/09/2023 | 0 Comments
Photo of some of the big crowd with union banners behind them, listening to speakers at the RMT rally. Wheelchair users and visually impaired people are in a designated space with more room. A man has a placard resting against his legs, Save our ticket offices. A woman holds a large hand-painted board with red paint, Blood on the tracks, commemorating those who have died from train accidents. Others there have placards, humans not machines. We need staff! At ticket offices and on trains.

Women from WinVisible and National Federation of the Blind UK were on Channel 4 News on Friday 1 September, featuring the joint campaign to Save Our Ticket Offices, petitioning Downing Street, and supporting RMT union station staff fighting for jobs, pay and conditions — their right to care for passengers and what happens to us. … Read more

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Save Ticket Offices — join the protests Thur 31 August

By winvisibleblog | 28/08/2023 | 1 Comment

On Thursday, please join us at the RMT march and rally to Save Ticket Offices. Join the march or go directly to the rally opposite Downing Street, if easier. RMT info page here. 5pm assemble Department for Transport, 33 Horseferry Road London SW1P 4DR5.30pm March moves off6pm Rally opposite 10 Downing Street, SW1A 2AA More … Read more

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