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Election pledges: Billions more for military, not for our needs

By winvisibleblog | 26/06/2024 | 0 Comments

Our quote from The Big Issue (19 June): “Labour and Tory alike pledge billions more for military spending and nuclear submarines, but don’t prioritise funding for independent living and support for mothers and children to keep families together in the community.” Our full comment was, “. . . Instead there is massive spending to businesses in … Read more

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“You are owed some money” – winning back after PIP cut

By winvisibleblog | 07/05/2024 | 0 Comments
WV logo -- a woman of colour's fist holds pound notes, inside a shape combining the women's symbol and Egyptian Eye of Horus, symbol of healing. In this case, the pound notes say PIP.

Ms X, a disabled single mum and survivor of domestic violence, tells how she secured over £5,000 backdated PIP which the DWP owed for her social support needs “mixing with people” – taking action from info about a legal case she read about online.  She could pay off energy bills and other debts hanging over … Read more

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Rwanda Bill: Disability and Migration Network statement

By winvisibleblog | 30/04/2024 | 0 Comments
People demonstrating for asylum rights including All African Women's Group, WinVisible, Women of Colour in the Global Women's Strike.

We support the Disability and Migration Network statement against the Rwanda Bill and condemn the scapegoating of people seeking asylum and disabled claimants, together with Global Women Against Deportations groups. Sharing from Disability Rights UK: The Safety of Rwanda Bill has passed its remaining parliamentary stages. This follows a long fight from campaigners to challenge … Read more

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“Sick note Britain” — Doctors in Unite defend patients and GP rights

By winvisibleblog | 28/04/2024 | 1 Comment
"Sick note Britain" 27 April 2024. White text on red background.

Doctors in Unite is the UK’s oldest medical trade union representing junior doctors, general practitioners and hospital consultants. Founded in 1914, formerly called the Medical Practitioners’ Union, they campaigned for the formation of the NHS. Read their statement in response to Sunak’s speech attacking sickness benefits: “Doctors in Unite condemns the latest attempt by the … Read more

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Sign petition to stop DWP spying on claimants’ bank accounts

By winvisibleblog | 23/04/2024 | 1 Comment
A woman wheelchair user holds placard: DWP stop snooping -- being poor is not a crime!

In Parliament, the Lords are discussing and opposing the Data Bill clause which would give the DWP powers to scan the bank accounts of more than 22 million claimants, including pensioners, using artificial intelligence. Sign the Big Brother Watch (BBW) petition here Share BBW updates on Twitter. “DWP are the real criminals“. We know how … Read more

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My long road to higher PIP – perseverance pays off!

By winvisibleblog | 20/04/2024 | 0 Comments
Women carrying the WinVisible banner at DWP protest. A placard says: Scrap all benefit cuts & sanctions.

WinVisible group member Ms X says: “I’m a mum of three (my children, too, have health conditions), looking after them with support from family.  I’m a single mum, survivor of domestic violence and sexual abuse.  I have PTSD and physical debilitating chronic health conditions. Many of my symptoms are invisible and fluctuating. I’m battling daily … Read more

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Bristol: Letter from DPOs accuses care cuts council of ‘inhumane’ policies

By winvisibleblog | 19/04/2024 | 0 Comments
Photos of Claire, Fazilet from Disability Rights UK and Rick from Greater Manchester Coalition of Disabled People. Claire holds a placard: Hands off "Substantial Risk to Health" protection for claimants. Rick holds a banner: "Make UNCRPD law".

Shared from Disability News Service — thanks to John Pring. Note by WinVisible: At the 2 May local elections, the Mayor of Bristol will be abolished and it’s widely expected that Bristol Green Party will become the governing party.  So far, the Greens opposed the cuts budget as “unrealistic” and “cruel” but haven’t made definite … Read more

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Wed 17 April – join Bristol open meeting

By winvisibleblog | 10/04/2024 | 0 Comments
A paper budget cut by scissors

Please join this timely online event organised by Bristol Reclaiming Independent Living (BRIL) — we’ll be speaking on the panel: Wednesday 17 April 2024, 6.30pm-9pm  Cuts, charges and co-production BSL interpretation provided * CC closed captions BRIL and supporters oppose the hated “Fair and Affordable Care” proposals by Bristol City Council, and the cuts budget … Read more

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Benefit rights — we’re entitled to survive!

By winvisibleblog | 16/03/2024 | 0 Comments
Two photos. Ariane holds a placard: Disabled people are not a burden -- we're entitled to survive! Women wheelchair users and other disabled protesters, including women holding the WinVisible banner, block the road by Westminster Abbey. Traffic including a bus is stopped.

Ahead of the general election, we’re sick and tired of government and Labour politicians hyping up attacks on our disability benefit rights — and PM Rishi Sunak’s plans to squeeze welfare to pay for tax cuts. In any case, the reduction in National Insurance Contributions announced in the Spring Budget, enriches high earners the most. … Read more

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Bristol update: Hated “affordable care” policy is back — by the back door

By winvisibleblog | 15/03/2024 | 0 Comments
Bristol Reclaiming Independent Living logo. BRIL in a circle.

We are among disability organisations working with Bristol Reclaiming Independent Living (BRIL), and supporting BRIL members who are facing the threat of being forced to live in a care home. Read BRIL’s latest statement about the budget agreed by Bristol City Council. BRIL’s response to the original consultation, including a legal opinion by Doughty St … Read more

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