Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry: Micheleine Kane to testify Thurs 23 November

On Thursday 23 November from 2pm, Micheleine Kane will be giving evidence to the Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry in Edinburgh.  This is part of the Health and Social Care Impact sessions, hearing from bereaved relatives. (Day 15 afternoon)

Watch live or later on YouTube (captions available):

Micheleine is best known as a leading grandmother kinship carer with the Scottish Kinship Care Alliance.  She joined Covid-19 Bereaved Families for Justice, and WinVisible, with the pandemic. 

COVID-19 UK Inquiry: WinVisible is one of the disabled-led organisations who together won that the UK Inquiry must address the disproportionate impact of COVID,and the COVID measures on disabled people/women/of colour, whose deaths were not inevitable.  We all demonstrated outside the UK Inquiry on 9 October when Kamran Mallick of Disability Rights UK gave evidence.  WinVisible’s statement to the UK Inquiry is here.

Scotland and Wales have their own investigations alongside the UK Inquiry.

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