Disabled asylum seekers’/ immigrants’ rights

Rwanda Bill: Disability and Migration Network statement

By winvisibleblog | 30 April 2024 | 0 Comments
People demonstrating for asylum rights including All African Women's Group, WinVisible, Women of Colour in the Global Women's Strike.

We support the Disability and Migration Network statement against the Rwanda Bill and condemn the scapegoating of people seeking asylum and disabled claimants, together with Global Women Against Deportations groups. Sharing from Disability Rights UK: The Safety of Rwanda Bill has passed its remaining parliamentary stages. This follows a long fight from campaigners to challenge the bill, including the Supreme Court ruling that the policy is unlawful and the House of Lords delaying and amending the bill many times. The Disability and Migration Network, a network made up of disability and migrants rights organisations – including Disability Rights UK, Disabled People … Read more

Ellie on James O’Brien show, LBC

By winvisibleblog | 11 August 2023 | 1 Comment

Ellie talks with James O’Brien, LBC, about who the government is likely to target next after people seeking asylum, about disability benefits and the cost of living.

At XR’s The Big One

By winvisibleblog | 30 April 2023 | 0 Comments

Together with 60,000 people and 200 organisations, we took part in XR’s The Big One, four days of action 21-24 April, around Parliament to force the UK government to act on the climate emergency. Alongside the big actions, many events were held by groups across a wide range of issues. Day 1, #Unite to survive People’s Picket of the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) “Women Care” Speak Out, Downing St Diverse networks of mothers, grandmothers, other carers and people with disabilities spoke out on refusing poverty, the devaluing of caring and cuts in benefits, … Read more

Austerity Kills – lobby your MP before Thursday’s budget

By winvisibleblog | 14 November 2022 | 1 Comment

WinVisible and the Disabled Mothers’ Rights Campaign are part of a campaign by 40 disability organisations across England, co-ordinated by Inclusion London.  Together, we have put out a joint statement, Austerity Kills, ahead of the government’s financial announcement by chancellor Jeremy Hunt this Thursday.  Take action today! Write to your MP to call on them to speak out and press for increased benefits and support services – use model letter which emails direct to your MP. See the press release: https://www.inclusionlondon.org.uk/campaigns-and-policy/act-now/austerity-kills-press-release/ Facts and figures: https://www.inclusionlondon.org.uk/campaigns-and-policy/act-now/austerity-kills-policy-briefing/ Contact WinVisible for more info. We remember: Lillian Oluk and … Read more

Shut Manston detention centre down!

By winvisibleblog | 06 November 2022 | 0 Comments

WinVisible is disabled women seeking asylum, refugee (some fled disability persecution, as well as war and other violence), immigrant and UK-born together. Sending heartfelt support to today’s protest to Shut Manston Down!

Disability legal win overturned

By winvisibleblog | 10 September 2022 | 1 Comment

We’re scandalised that a disability rights ruling we helped with and previously reported, Disabled woman wins housing under human rights, has been overturned by the courts. It was the precedent case of GS v Camden (2016), a disabled homeless refugee woman wheelchair-user supported by WinVisible.  It has been overturned (cancelled). See: Localism Act power does not enable a local authority to provide health services What happened: The good news is that for now, the government has shelved plans to attack the Human Rights Act. WinVisible is asylum-seeking, refugee, immigrant and UK-born disabled women together.  We … Read more

Podcast for IWD: disabled women talk about discrimination in social care

By winvisibleblog | 04 March 2022 | 0 Comments

Many thanks to podcast host Don O’Neal and NaCSILS (Campaign for a National Care, Support and Independent Living Service) for inviting us to tell some moving personal stories.  Click here to listen to the podcast. Text version coming soon, linked on here. For International Women’s Day, Claire, Ebere, Fereshteh, Kate and Tracey, talk about: · our Disabled Mothers’ Rights Campaign, challenging the lack of support by Councils and discrimination by the family courts that leads to traumatic separation of mums and kids · how disabled children are massively over-represented and mistreated in the children’s social … Read more

Sat 4 Dec: WinVisible speaking at Waltham Forest Reclaim the Night Coalition online rally

By winvisibleblog | 02 December 2021 | 0 Comments

This Saturday 4 December, we’re on a panel at the Waltham Forest Reclaim the Night Coalition online rally.  4.30pm to 6pm.  All women welcome.  Among other speakers, Ariane and Ebere will speak about violence against disabled women and girls, the discrimination we face from the police, courts, asylum system, agencies and services, and what we need to make us safer. On Zoom with auto-captions.  Zoom link:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88005723207?pwd=QzM0Nnh2bmlMc2tYUExMYVBPaW9Wdz09 Meeting ID: 880 0572 3207Passcode: 697484 Organised by Waltham Forest Women’s Network / East London Unite Community

Ebere’s story – surviving violence back home and in the UK

By winvisibleblog | 08 June 2021 | 1 Comment

Ebere is a disabled woman from Nigeria, who came to the UK to seek asylum and safety from horrendous disability persecution, including rape and other violence. WinVisible supported Ebere when she was fighting her asylum case.  She was referred to us by Women Against Rape, who are refugee and UK-born women, colleagues at the Crossroads Women’s Centre where we are based.  Listen to Ebere’s interview here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p09gv28k See below for written version — report by BBC. WinVisible adds: Anti-deportation groups at the Centre have supported and won the release of women asylum seekers in detention.  Many … Read more

Welcome to WinVisible’s workshops on Zoom

By winvisibleblog | 07 March 2021 | 1 Comment

Welcome to WinVisible’s workshops on Zoom — three dates and topics coming up: Starting on Wednesday 17 March 1.30pm-3pm Women fighting for disability benefit rights under COVID How we win exemption from the hated interviews – Andie Left in limbo on basic Universal Credit: fighting Maximus and DWP “inconclusive” work capability telephone interview – S Winning £11,000 backdated PIP after being cut off for “failure to attend” the interview, due to cancer – ‘Rita’ Claimants with mental distress and the death of single mum Philippa Day – Ariane Justice for Errol Graham who starved to … Read more