Disabled asylum seekers’/ immigrants’ rights

Disabled woman won housing under human rights

By winvisibleblog | 22 November 2017 | 1 Comment

Update September 2022 — this ruling has been overturned.  Read more here Previous info: We want to publicise the precedent legal case of a homeless disabled woman we helped, who won the right to housing in 2016, as we’ve heard of women in similar situations where the Council is refusing to provide accommodation.  During the time we supported her, she was often suicidal, but won in the end. (Note: the case was won on her personal circumstances, each situation is different, so anyone wishing to rely on this will need to get experienced legal advice.) … Read more

Benefit tests — evidence to MPs

By winvisibleblog | 11 November 2017 | 1 Comment

We gathered our experiences of the benefit assessments, to send to the all-party Work and Pensions Select Committee of MPs.  They are looking into assessments because so many people who are refused are winning their case at appeal. We say:  Assessments for ESA and PIP are set up to deny claimants the disability benefits they need and are entitled to. The assessor companies, Atos, Capita and Maximus which profit from these contracts, and the tests themselves, are discredited. (Since 2012, the British Medical Association has policy opposing the Work Capability Assessment and Atos.  Atos was forced … Read more

Asylum seekers, refugees & immigrants

By winvisibleblog | 16 October 2014 | 0 Comments

NEWS REPORT FROM OCTOBER 2014: Disabled human rights campaigner Manjeet Kaur has won her case against the Home Office’s attempt to evict her onto the streets. A judge has ruled that Manjeet, who is Chair of RAPAR, can stay in her home in Whalley Range until her asylum case has finally been completed. The judge made his decision based on the paperwork in her case. Manjeet, who uses a wheelchair, was due to travel to the Asylum and Immigration Tribunal in Manchester today for the hearing about her housing support. Ironically, the Home Office transport … Read more