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Disabled mums will be speaking out against discrimination and joining forces with other mums. The weather will be a sweltering 9 degrees!
Read Legal Action for Women’s dossier of mothers’ experiences of Social Services and the family courts. We co-wrote the chapter on disability discrimination against mothers and children, chapter 10, page 44 onwards: LAW Dossier 18Jan17 final
8 March 2018 International Women’s Day
12-2pm, Old Palace Yard, Westminster, SW1P 3JY
(across from Parliament) All Welcome
- Abusing the law to snatch children from their mothers
- Traumatising children through separation
- Depriving children of breastfeeding
- Denying mothers and children their legal right to support
- Impoverishing mothers and children with austerity
- Discriminating against single mothers & vulnerable families
- Punishing victims of rape and domestic violence by taking the children we’ve tried to protect
- Handing children to violent fathers
- Valuing ‘experts’ over mothers
- Holding secret hearings without public scrutiny
- Gagging us so we can’t get community support
- Deporting mothers, keeping their children
- Taking children for profit
BRING YOUR CHARGES AND YOUR EVIDENCE! Part of International Women’s Strike events
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