Update: Scrap care charges of woman cancer patient

Women protesting outside Greenwich Town Hall and Camden.  Three women hold the WinVisible banner.  Placards include "Care charges = violence against women".  "We want free homecare as in Hammersmith & Fulham".  "No increased charges to pensioners, disabled people."
Women protesting in Camden and Greenwich against higher homecare charges

Update about woman cancer patient fighting extortionate care charges by Camden 

The woman cancer patient we are helping, thanks everyone for their support.  She says: “Love and care for someone you don’t know is really appreciated.”

She was readmitted to hospital last week for treatment for low oxygen due to lung cancer complications.

We are still pressing Camden for her charges to be waived due to the impact of stress on her health and her major disability expenses.  This is also requested by her MP Tulip Siddiq.  Camden has discretion and must use it. 

We have not had any more direct response from Camden since their letter of 21 October saying she must undergo another financial reassessment for the charges to be reconsidered.  They said they would only hold off enforcement of the debt to the end of October.  So far, the lowest her charges have gone is £78 per week.  Another financial assessment is not appropriate, she is extremely ill and must not be burdened with the additional stress.  Anyway Camden has not properly recognised her expenses in the three previous financial assessments. 

Please continue to support her and help get @CamdenCouncil to cancel the charges.

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