Reclaim the Night Brighton — our support message

Reclaim the Night Brighton is marching tonight. 6pm Friday 10th November 2023, meeting at Brighton rail station. Protesting against street harassment & rape culture. Trans & sex worker inclusive. Our support message: Hello from WinVisible, women with visible & invisible disabilities – we are with you in spirit at Reclaim the Night Brighton, and taking … Read more

Sat 29 Jan: WinVisible @ Reclaim the Night Waltham Forest

This Saturday 26 January, we’re joining the Reclaim the Night marches organised by Waltham Forest Women’s Network. The marches will meet at Walthamstow Town Square, where we’re speaking at the rally which begins 6pm until 7pm. Among other speakers, Ariane Sacco from WinVisible will speak about violence against disabled women and girls, how we are more … Read more

Sat 4 Dec: WinVisible speaking at Waltham Forest Reclaim the Night Coalition online rally

This Saturday 4 December, we’re on a panel at the Waltham Forest Reclaim the Night Coalition online rally.  4.30pm to 6pm.  All women welcome.  Among other speakers, Ariane and Ebere will speak about violence against disabled women and girls, the discrimination we face from the police, courts, asylum system, agencies and services, and what we … Read more