We’re taking part Wed 2 Oct: Learn about your rights! The UNCRPD

The Disabled Mothers’ Rights Campaign/WinVisible was glad to take part in this Zoom event held by Greater Manchester Coalition of Disabled People, “Learn about your rights!”.

About the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), with key guest speakers:

Wednesday 2 October


Speaker info, programme of the day and register here: https://gmcdp.com/civicrm/event/info%3Fid%3D395%26reset%3D1

As part of a varied panel, we’re going to be on the lunchtime panel starting 1.30pm.  We’ll be discussing Article 23 of the Convention, Respect for home and the family, which promotes support for disabled mothers and for children to stay with their family.  How the Convention strengthens us against the discrimination and hostility faced by disabled mothers, and other single, working class and mothers of colour who face an uphill battle to stop social workers and the family courts taking our children from us. See our Disabled Mothers’ Rights Charter and supporting information on page 2.

Disabled children and children of colour are in “care” in disproportionate numbers.  Children and young people in institutions are often abused, while private companies charge councils the highest fees for these placements of disabled and distressed children and young people, who are most likely to remain there and not go to be fostered with another family.

By emphasising keeping children with blood families, the Convention helps to counter the current policy of rampant children’s social care spending on fees to profit-making companies which are bankrupting councils and so increasing cuts to adult social care and the threat of disabled adults being forced into residential homes.

Register here: https://gmcdp.com/civicrm/event/info%3Fid%3D395%26reset%3D1

Accessibility info is on the GMCDP event page.

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