Response to Local Government Association social care consultation

LGA Trident comp

We have just sent in a response to the Local Government Association (LGA) Green Paper on Adult Social Care. The LGA says ‘We are the national voice of local government, working with councils to support, promote and improve local government’. They represent 415 local authorities across England and Wales. They issued their Green Paper to influence the government’s Green Paper (which is in the pipeline), the government’s spending plans, and to put forward their own aims including to alleviate pressure on the NHS. The LGA are expected to report in the autumn.

WinVisible criticises the LGA for focusing on increasing personal taxation or cutting universal concessions to pensioners in order to fund social care, when there is plenty of money unpaid by corporations and the super-rich, spent on Trident nuclear submarines (£205 billion) and other projects.  Their paper also glosses over Councils’ own responsibility for charging and cutting services, with the notable exception of Hammersmith & Fulham which abolished homecare charges. We aim to give a picture of the current problems and the support we need.

Read our response here 


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2 thoughts on “Response to Local Government Association social care consultation”

  1. Well done our organization is like your not for profit. Also to bring about justice for minority community living on brink of poverty. Mostly our group are disabled men and women required social care to break the isolation due hidden disability not being recognized and benefits being cut. Just like your borough are borough is charging additional money foe social care on to council tax. We also believe they should be getting the taxed from multi millionaire who are saving money in tax havens .Supporting our vulnerable to survive the continuous care need they have for the loved one.

  2. Also a lot of disabled women who are carers of loved ones with hidden mental health condition .Are not being valued as carer just because they also suffer from mental health condition.
    Some families have few people with hidden condition not diagnosis so they don’t value the women carers input.This is the direct discrimination,some of members faced causing serious relationship breakdown in families relationship.


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