International news

Bhopal, India

By winvisibleblog | 03 December 2014 | 0 Comments

Bhopal Survivors Action 3 December 2014 To Rashida Bee and Champa Devi Shukla Bhopal Gas Peedit Mahila Stationery Karmchari Sangh (Bhopal Gas-Affected Women Stationery Workers’ Union) Dear Rashida, Champa and all sisters and brothers in Bhopal, We send our love, condolences and solidarity to you all on this 30th anniversary of the Bhopal disaster. We have followed and circulated news of your actions and the women’s fast in Delhi, took part in events in London, and are glad for the international actions and events supporting your demands. We are women with disabilities of all nationalities, … Read more

Action on California Budget Cuts

By winvisibleblog | 04 December 2012 | 0 Comments

  Urgent Call to Support People’s Convention This is an URGENT CALL to support the People’s Convention called by Communities Actively Living Independent & Free (CALIF), an organization of people with disabilities.  The Convention is a protest that is demanding a California Budget that does not include life-threatening cuts proposed by the Governor, impacting the most vulnerable people across the state. The lack of a California budget has already caused the closing down of vital services with many others barely holding on by a thread, impacting hundreds of thousands of people living in California including those in … Read more

Justice for Daniel–And all of our Kids (2008)

By winvisibleblog | 01 December 2008 | 0 Comments

DHS – Give Us Back Our Children, a multi-racial group of mothers and supporters fighting for custody of their children in foster care, hailed the landmark decision to criminally indict four workers in the 2006 death of a child under the supervision of the Philadelphia Department of Human Services.  They will hold a protest at DHS on August 7 to demand an end to DHS abuse of power and lack of accountability, and cautioned against another DHS “foster care panic” in response to the tragedy. “We are sickened that it took the death of a … Read more

Vietnamese Agent Orange Victims (2008)

By winvisibleblog | 27 October 2008 | 0 Comments

Support Vietnamese Agent Orange Victims & the Vietnamese Women U.S. Speaking Tour! JOIN US IN WELCOMING VIETNAMESE AGENT ORANGE VICTIMS Monday, October 27th, 6:00-8:00 PM UCLA Downtown Labor Center 675 S. Park View Street, Los Angeles 90057 COME HEAR: Dang Hong Nhut is from Ho Chi Minh City. She suffers from cancer & had multiple miscarriages due to exposure to Agent Orange. Tran Thi Hoan, a 21 year old college student. She was born without legs due to her mother’s exposure to Agent Orange. An all-women delegation of Agent Orange victims from Vietnam will travel across the country … Read more


By winvisibleblog | 01 March 2007 | 0 Comments

Disabled people in Iraq: iraqpeoplewdisabilitiesdisnowmar07