International news

Open Day Sun 8 March — International Women’s Day

By winvisibleblog | 01 March 2020 | 0 Comments

Sunday 8 March — International Women’s Day Open Day with the Global Women’s Strike and other organisations at the Crossroads Women’s Centre Workshops, films, exhibition, music, refreshments… See programme below. Find out about campaigns and volunteering for survival and caring, against poverty, rape, racism and every violence and discrimination, detention & deportation, wars and climate emergency… WinVisible is taking part: Video clips and open mic at 3.30pm in the afternoon. Celebrating our recent tribunal win! Sunday 8 March 12 – 5pm 25 Wolsey Mews, London NW5 2DX  Wheelchair accessible Creche  All welcome Facebook: GlobalWomensStrike    … Read more

Disability rights in the US — then and now

By winvisibleblog | 07 August 2019 | 1 Comment

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) became law in July 1990.  The success of the US disability movement — influenced by the anti-racist civil rights movement, women’s activism, and the demands of disabled Vietnam veterans like Ron Kovic, spurred on the UK campaign for anti-discrimination legislation.  We won the Disability Discrimination Act 1995. From the Washington Post, here is an opinion on the ADA and disability rights in the US. ———————————————————– Made by History Perspective Why disabled Americans remain second-class citizens The big hole in our civil rights laws. By David Pettinicchio David Pettinicchio is a sociologist … Read more

Universal Basic Income — the Ontario story

By winvisibleblog | 23 April 2019 | 3 Comments

Ontario is a large province in Canada which borders the United States.  Last month, their Basic Income (BI) pilot scheme was ended early.  In April 2017, while the Liberal Party was in power in Ontario, they started a BI pilot scheme with about 4,000 people in the test communities of Hamilton-Brantford, Thunder Bay and Lindsay.  It was supposed to run for three years but was cancelled by the incoming Tory premier, Doug Ford, who was elected in June 2018. We wanted to know more, and why a group of women, including disabled women, went to court to … Read more

Victory vs Vedanta mining company pollution

By winvisibleblog | 15 April 2019 | 0 Comments

Foil Vedanta PRESS RELEASE 10th April 2019: LANDMARK JURISDICTION CASE WON BY ZAMBIAN FARMERS AT SUPREME COURT Historic victory opens the door for global claimants to seek justice against British multinationals in the UK Watch a short video of the Supreme Court judgement here Supreme Court case materials here The Supreme Court today (10 April 2019) announced its verdict in the landmark case of the Zambian communities consistently polluted by Konkola Copper Mines (KCM), a subsidiary of British miner Vedanta Resources plc, allowing them to have their case against the parent company and its subsidiary tried in … Read more

Lonmin & Vedanta — justice vs mining multinationals

By winvisibleblog | 24 March 2019 | 0 Comments

Tomorrow Monday 25 March, 10-11am, please support the protest at Lonmin’s AGM: At Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5AH.  With War on Want, London Mining Network, Decolonising Environmentalism (students at University College School of Oriental and African Studies — SOAS), Women of Colour Global Women’s Strike, and others. UPDATE: the planned meeting on Tues 26 March at SOAS is cancelled.  London Mining Network say:  “Our South African visitors have not yet got their visas. It means they won’t be with us. We are cancelling the meeting on Tuesday evening at SOAS. Would you be able to … Read more

Fri 8 March: International Women’s Day/Strike

By winvisibleblog | 05 March 2019 | 0 Comments

International Women’s Day/Strike DEFENDING OUR CHILDREN AND OUR WORLD The Global Women’s Strike (GWS) is hosting this outdoor picket, delighted to be joined by Frack Free Knitting Nanas Lancashire, Stanstead 15, Mental Health Resistance Network, English Collective of Prostitutes, WinVisible, Women of Colour Global Womens Strike and more.  Info below, you are welcome to contact us on Weather forecast is dry and mostly sunny! Please share the Facebook event on social media and with your networks. Info from Global Women’s Strike about the afternoon events: PICKET: 12-2pm outside the Royal Courts of Justice in the Strand, London WC2A 2LL … Read more

France: Yellow Vest women together demand disability rights

By winvisibleblog | 10 February 2019 | 0 Comments

Today, Sunday 10 Feb, the women-led disability group Handi Social and women Gilets Jaunes (Yellow Vests protest movement) held a peaceful women’s procession (walk and roll) in Toulouse, south-west France, for the rights and dignity of disabled people.  It’s on the anniversary of the disability equality law passed on 11 February 2005.  Slogans include: “Stop handiphobie, validisme, capacitisme, Oui à la Convention ONU et à la vie autonome.  Les z’handi en colère.  Rien pour nous sans nous…”  Translation: “Stop disability hate, ableism. Yes to the UN Convention (UNCRPD) and independent living. Crips are angry. Nothing about us … Read more

Bhopal gas survivors condemn Dow and State misuse of welfare funds

By winvisibleblog | 30 November 2018 | 2 Comments

2-3 December 2018 marks the 34th anniversary of the Bhopal gas disaster in India.  A pesticide factory owned by US multinational corporation Union Carbide (taken over by Dow Chemical, now DowDuPont) exploded at night, fatally gassing many thousands of people, their cows and other animals, and exposing half a million people to the poison.  It has been described as the world’s worst industrial disaster.  It happened in 1984, the year that WinVisible started.  As we have always supported Bhopali women’s struggle for justice, compensation, clean-up of the factory site and clean water, they have a … Read more

UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights

By winvisibleblog | 08 October 2018 | 2 Comments

We submitted evidence to the UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, ahead of his visit to the UK in November.  This has now been published by the UN alongside other submissions. According to the Guardian newspaper, Philip Alston who is an ’eminent international human rights lawyer called for submissions from anyone in the UK to establish “the most significant human rights violations experienced by people living in poverty and extreme poverty in the UK”. He is interested in the impact of austerity, universal credit, the advent of computer algorithms making decisions on welfare matters, and … Read more

Bolivia — the struggle for living benefits

By winvisibleblog | 11 August 2018 | 0 Comments

In July we were delighted to meet Feliza Ali Ramos and Marcelo Vásquez, disability campaigners from the organisation New Hope in Bolivia, at the alternative international solidarity summit, and later the festival of resistance against the hypocrisy of the UK government’s Global Disability Summit. The courageous and imaginative Bolivian disability movement fighting for a living benefit gives a lead to everyone.  Watch the gripping film of their 2016 struggle here. After dramatic actions in the city of Cochabamba were ignored, disabled people and their supporters embarked on a gruelling 300-mile march through the Andes mountains to the capital … Read more