Asylum seekers, refugees & immigrants



Disabled human rights campaigner Manjeet Kaur has won her case against the Home Office’s attempt to evict her onto the streets. A judge has ruled that Manjeet, who is Chair of RAPAR, can stay in her home in Whalley Range until her asylum case has finally been completed. The judge made his decision based on the paperwork in her case. Manjeet, who uses a wheelchair, was due to travel to the Asylum and Immigration Tribunal in Manchester today for the hearing about her housing support.

Ironically, the Home Office transport sent to Manjeet’s home to take her to the tribunal was not wheelchair accessible and it took another two hours for the Home Office to send a suitable replacement from Liverpool. She was on her way to the tribunal when her solicitor phoned to say that, after reviewing the paperwork, the judge had ruled in her favour against the Home Office.

Fifty supporters from disability, trade union and community networks joined a lobby outside the tribunal hearing. Manjeet said: “I am very pleased we won the case but it is not my victory alone. I want to thank everyone who came along to support me and show that we will not let vulnerable people be evicted from their homes.”


2. Supporting disabled asylum seekers and refugees

Supporting disabled asylum seekers

2008 research commissioned by the Greater London Authority.  WinVisible was on the steering group for this research and successfully asked that asylum seekers be included alongside refugees, and that the research also focus on women, and invisible disabilities.  Read the report here




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