Train staff petitions update

Sarah Leadbetter from National Federation of the Blind of the UK and wheelchair user Claire from WinVisible, both holding placards which read FOR DISABLED WOMEN'S SAFETY - #KEEP THE
For jobs-pay-conditions On the pavement in the street close to Number 10. Guide Dog Nellie is lying down next to Sarah and other campaign placards are seen standing up next to the wall.
Sarah Leadbetter, NFB UK and guide dog Nellie with Claire from WinVisible, outside Downing St.

On 20 February, we were delighted to meet Sarah Leadbetter and Sarah Gayton from the National Federation of the Blind UK, and Emily Yates from the Association of British Commuters, for the first time.

We went to Downing St to support their petitions for station staff, to keep ticket offices open and keep the guard on the train.

From 9am onwards, they organised for deputations of disabled people, mainly visually impaired people, who travelled from all over England, to hand in batches of the petitions.

At 3pm, together with Jon Abrams from Inclusion London, we handed the petitions in to Downing St, with our cover letter as disabled women of different backgrounds. Read our letter here.

Camden New Journal report, including using platform humps at St Pancras — read here.

Sarah Gayton kindly videoed us — clip below on Twitter.

Video of NFB UK and Emily from Association of British Commuters:

Surrey Coalition of Disabled People:

Granada report (North West England)
Photo of Dennis Queen at train station.  She is a wheelchair user with blonde hair and glasses.  Behind her is a sign saying Trains to Manchester.

Watch the video with campaigners from Greater Manchester and North West England.

Well done to Dennis Queen and others interviewed locally!

Disability News Service report:

Camden New Journal report, including using platform humps at St Pancras — read here.

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