We are disabled mums

Two photos.  A proud disabled mum sits upright holding her daughter who is perching on the armrest of her wheelchair.  They are Afro-Caribbean and have long hair in plaits.  Both are smiling.
2nd photo.  In a garden, a smiling blind mum stands with her new baby wrapped to her in a sling, by her older daughters who play on swings.

We are disabled mums. Having a disabled mum is not “harm” to our children. We want Councils to provide us with support, not punish us under “child protection”.

Join the Disabled Mothers’ Rights Campaign to keep families together. More info here

Thanks to Nicole and Philippa for the lovely photos!

Women stand in front of the Family Court, a large concrete and stone building with large wooden doors and a noticeboard.  They hold banners and placards.  They have a sound system and a woman is speaking on the microphone.

On Wednesday 6 July, the Disabled Mothers’ Rights Campaign is taking part in the monthly picket of the Family Court, held by Support Not Separation.

When: First Wednesday of every month, 12.30pm-1.30pm

Where: outside Central Family Court, First Avenue House, 42-49 High Holborn, London WC1V 6NP

Online: Twitter storm @WinVisibleWomen @NotSeparation 12.30pm-1.30pm

Come and take part with us in person (outdoors) — the weather forecast is dry and sunny.

Next dates: Wed 6 July, Wed 3 August, Wed 7 September 2022.

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