Today: Family Court picket and Twitter storm

Disabled Mothers' Rights Campaign protesting at Support Not Separation monthly picket of the Central London family court.  Placards say: Adoptions -- 90% without consent.  Being a disabled mum is not "harm" to children --Disabled Mothers' Rights Campaign. Plus photos of proud disabled mothers of colour with our children.
Disabled Mothers’ Rights Campaign at Support Not Separation monthly picket of the Central Family Court in London. Proud disabled mothers of colour with our children.

Today we are joining the Support Not Separation monthly picket of the Family Court and Twitter storm against unjust separation of children from mums. From 12.30pm-1.30pm, outside Central Family Court, First Avenue House, 42-49 High Holborn, London WC1V 6NP. And Twitter storm @NotSeparation at the same time. The picket and Twitter storm is held on the first Wednesday of every month.

Join our Disabled Mothers’ Rights Campaign bringing disabled mothers together to defend our rights to have and to keep our children. Follow #DisabledMumsRights on Twitter.

We are fighting to stop the cruelty and discrimination we face from Council social services and the family courts taking our children away.  We are campaigning to get the support from official agencies which we as disabled mothers are entitled to — by law. 

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