Help WinVisible benefit from Localgiving’s Coronavirus Fund

The WinVisible team at the Crossroads Women’s Centre, putting together self-help information based on our collective experiences. (Photo was before COVID-19).


The Localgiving Coronavirus Fund has now closed as the funds have been used up matching donations to groups on the scheme.

Your donation is still welcome. Thanks to everyone for your support!



Dear friends,

If you would like to help support WinVisible’s vital work, now is the time.  Any amount you or others donate via our Localgiving page until 12 noon on Monday 9 November, will be doubled by Localgiving’s Coronavirus Fund.

During the COVID-19 crisis, we have been there for disabled women who face added discrimination, isolation and enormous stress, and who have been disproportionately and unfairly affected by the measures.  We are responding daily to many phone and online requests for help.  With additional funds we can provide more help and time to talk with disabled women to discuss problems and make suggestions.  We can support our volunteers to help others. 

We will update our blog with the latest info on benefits and other issues. The blog is used by least 1,500 visitors a month; women describe it as “on your side”.  We translate official information into understandable language, and add our own tips and suggestions based on our direct personal experiences of dealing with benefits, homecare, access — so that women are able to pursue their own cases more effectively. 

Our self-help group has continued to run online and be more active than ever — enabling women of all backgrounds and situations to have a voice. 

We know times are hard for most people, especially now, and any donation you or others can make is much appreciated.

Please spread the word to people who may be interested.

Thank you,

All of us at WinVisible

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