Disabled People Against Cuts week of action — local actions 18 July




14- 21 July Disabled People Against Cuts Week of Action    #SummerofDiscontent

 #NotOneMoreDay  #CutsKill

Tuesday 18th Julynational Day of Action – check DPAC website for more info.



JobcentreProtestUnitedayofaction Our local action Tuesday 18th July 1-2pm

Protest  vs benefit cuts & sanctions

No Camden cuts  to social care

Kentish Town Jobcentre

178 Kentish Town Rd London NW5 2AG

with WinVisible, Unite Community Camden,

Kilburn Unemployed Workers Group,

Single Mothers’ Self-Defence, Camden Momentum,

English Collective of Prostitutes,

All African Women’s Group, and others

Wednesday 19th July – Lobby of Parliament for Independent Living
Assemble outside House of Commons entrance from 11am.

Thursday 20th JulyTurn Up and Go protest

Driver Only Operated trains, the removal of guards from trains and rail staff from stations threaten disabled people’s freedom to travel.  On 20th July DPAC are inviting disabled people to travel together en masse to the Department for Transport’s headquarters in London to deliver a petition demanding our right to ride.

Assemble outside the Department for Transport at 2pm. Department for Transport
Great Minster House 33 Horseferry Road London W1P 4DR

Friday 21st JulyAnti-Atos protest picnic
Assemble 12.30 pm outside their offices at 4 Triton Square

Regent’s Place London NW1 3HG, near Warren St tube

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