Against violence and abuse

Legal challenge vs Universal Credit — judgement Thur 14 June

By winvisibleblog | 12 June 2018 | 3 Comments

  This Thursday 14 June, at the High Court, Strand, London WC2A 2LL 9.30am: Support disabled claimants at the Joint vigil: Disabled People Against Cuts, Single Mothers’ Self-Defence, WinVisible, Rev Paul Nicolson (Taxpayers Against Poverty), Maggie Zolobajluk, and others. 10am: In court – the judge will announce his ruling.  Check court number here. On Thursday 14 June, the judge will announce his ruling in the case brought by Mr P, a terminally-ill man who lives alone, and other disabled claimants previously on ESA who lost around £180 a month. They were brutally denied severe disability … Read more

Universal Credit and domestic abuse — our evidence to MPs

By winvisibleblog | 02 May 2018 | 4 Comments

We have just submitted WinVisible’s evidence to the Work and Pensions Committee of MPs on Universal Credit (UC) and domestic abuse, with input from Women Against Rape and Legal Action for Women.  The committee is scrutinising UC overall. They are now looking at how the single monthly payment of UC to the head of household, is a danger to women and children living with violent men; which groups of claimants are more likely to be affected; and how disabled claimants can be protected from financial abuse. We said we are entirely opposed to UC which … Read more

Care home whistleblower: CCTV not the answer

By winvisibleblog | 01 November 2017 | 0 Comments

Read Eileen Chubb’s special report “Reality CCTV Check” from Compassion in Care. Click here: Reality CCTV Check Oct 2017 Rather than stopping neglect and abuse, CCTV in care homes can in fact cause care standards to fall, she says. Evidence suggests this is because staff feel under pressure to perform in communal areas where CCTV cameras are installed, even if that means leaving residents in bed, cutting down on time spent with them or checking their medication is correct, and not sitting down to write paperwork records, in case they look lazy compared to rushing round … Read more

Opposing Violence

By winvisibleblog | 01 November 2014 | 0 Comments

   Reclaim the Night  At Reclaim the Night rally, November 2014 Brighton Feminist Collective Thank you to everyone that came out and Reclaimed the Night with us on Saturday! Around 450 people marched with us to demand safer streets! Our rally had an incredible line-up of speakers and performers that we’re so proud to have shared our space with. Massive thank you to Fabia Bates from Survivors’ Network, Alex Bryce from National Ugly Mugs, Laura Watson from English Collective of Prostitutes, NUS Women’s Officer Susuana Antubam, Maeve Devine from AllSorts Youth Project, Ariane Sacco from … Read more