
Winning PIP

Hello ladies,
I heard from DWP (they now send out white envelopes!) and pleased to inform you that I have been awarded enhanced [PIP] for both elements! I still feel in a state of shock about it; it's taking a while to process I must admit. None of this would have been possible without your kind help and perseverance.  I too was anxious about what Dr X actually said during that telephone call to IAS [Atos] as she doesn't know me that well. I have attached my results.  It does go to show how much they don't know about Autism as I was scored 0 for communication?!  This area is one of my biggest challenges and was the highest score in my Autism assessment.  I don't know any Autistic that is problem-free. I would like to donate some money to WinVisible so you can continue your valuable work.

Thank you and kind regards...

WinVisible supported Ms S, a woman with end-stage kidney failure on dialysis, in her fight to get full PIP.  We helped cut through the DWP’s
resistance, who were pressuring her to accept less than she actually needs. She won over £4,000 backdated benefit. (2023)

Ms S says: “I can’t thank T and C enough for all the support they have given me over my PIP review.  I was certain I wasn’t going to win this, and it caused me a lot of stress.  They guided and supported me through the whole process. Although I’m very ill, my life has been made easier without the worry of this hanging over me.  Thanks so much… WinVisible and these ladies are amazing.”

A mum wrote to us after we helped her to get PIP for her teenage daughter – who had been scored low points by IAS (Atos) despite severe combined disabilities and being under Great Ormond St Hospital:

“The most amazing group of ladies we ever had the good fortune to encounter. Genuinely caring, genuinely committed. God bless you all. S and Z.”

Our written testimony to MPs on the Health and Social Care Select Committee was referenced by Prof Luke Clements, University of Leeds: