
Food supply — MPs press government to ensure access

By winvisibleblog 22/05/2020 0 Comments

The Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Parliamentary Committee of MPs is investigating COVID-19 and food supply.  They published the submissions from groups and those involved in the food industry, on the Parliament website here. Read WinVisible’s testimony here.  Women describe problems accessing food and we said under lockdown, we also need support services to cook … Read more

Food access under lockdown — our testimony

By winvisibleblog 02/05/2020 2 Comments

WinVisible was invited to send evidence to the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee of MPs (EFRA) for their inquiry into COVID-19 and food supply focussing on older and disabled people’s access to food. Separately, a legal case against supermarkets is being prepared by Fry Law, click here if you want to join. Our evidence … Read more

Victory vs Vedanta mining company pollution

By winvisibleblog 15/04/2019 0 Comments

Foil Vedanta PRESS RELEASE 10th April 2019: LANDMARK JURISDICTION CASE WON BY ZAMBIAN FARMERS AT SUPREME COURT Historic victory opens the door for global claimants to seek justice against British multinationals in the UK Watch a short video of the Supreme Court judgement here Supreme Court case materials here The Supreme Court today (10 April 2019) announced … Read more

Lonmin & Vedanta — justice vs mining multinationals

By winvisibleblog 24/03/2019 0 Comments

Tomorrow Monday 25 March, 10-11am, please support the protest at Lonmin’s AGM: At Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5AH.  With War on Want, London Mining Network, Decolonising Environmentalism (students at University College School of Oriental and African Studies — SOAS), Women of Colour Global Women’s Strike, and others. UPDATE: the planned meeting on Tues 26 March … Read more